Sunday, December 25, 2011

Simple Complexity

Merry Christmas to all my family and friends! From beginning to end, I hope your day is blessed beyond your wildest imaginings.

As I think about Christmas and it's meaning, today more than ever, I realize that what God did in sending Jesus as a baby, was truly beyond my wildest imagining. To think about the very creator of the world, now a helpless human being, being placed in a smelly manger bed, is well, rather unimaginable.

Amidst all the decorations and lights, the music, the food, and the gifts, I hope I don't forget the complexity, as well as the simplicity of what Christmas is.

And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. Complex.

Jesus loves me. Simple.

He loves me enough to die for me so I can be assured of life everlasting. Simple. Complex. Unimaginable.

Take time to read from the Bible today the story of His birth. Luke 1 & 2. Matthew 1 & 2.

Keep it simple.
Ponder the complexity.

Merry Christmas
Love, Dianne

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