Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Threads of Dreams

When I dream, I often have recurring themes, or ideas. Like…

…tornadoes, which I dreamt about today while I slept. Usually more than one happens at time and I see them form and circle around where I am. I am not always at my house, but in the dream today, I was home and I made sure I got the kids to the basement, grabbed blankets and my scrapbooks, praying that the rest of the photos would be fine. I am usually near a house or barn in these dreams or I am on a road, walking, always just out of reach.

…middle school. These must've have really been impressionable years for the feelings to still show up years later. Often, these dreams involve my locker; I can't remember the combination or I simply can't remember which one is mine. I am always running late. I always have a pile of books. I am always wearing a dress. I am usually feeling anxious.

…my parent's house. When I dream about my home place, it is never about the house as it is now, it is always as it was when I lived there. We lived in the basement, with the upstairs partially complete until the year I got married. So in these dreams, I am always in the basement. I am usually trying to get ready for school or work and I am focusing on combing my hair, which of course, is never right. I do and re-do my style and I just can't get it right. I usually miss the bus.

…the barn at my grandparents. Usually occurring in the hayloft, I just dream that I am playing there. There is a ledge at the one end where you would throw hay down and when I am dreaming, I usually either jump or fall over that ledge to the hayloft below. I am always barefooted.

…work. I don't like dreaming about work and I usually do the night before I have to actually go to work. These dreams involve forgetting about patients, leaving isolette doors open, occasionally a baby falling to the floor, and falling asleep while working. Stressful dreams and I usually wake up, very relieved that it was just a dream.

…walking in high heels.  I can't. I just can't make my feet go, one in front of the other. They hit it each, one ankle leaning awkwardly to the side. Or my feet are so heavy, that I can barely lift them to take a step. Going up steps is nearly impossible. It usually feels so real and there is always a part of me that always wonders if I really dreamt it or has that ever happened.

Dreams. Weird stuff sometimes that comes out of the subconscious. Whether the threads that run through are actual memories, feelings or just random happenings of a day, it is amazing how the mind puts it together. How it makes perfect, logical sense in a dream, but when you awaken and think about it, it really makes no sense at all.

Dreams. Something to think about. But not too much or I might dream about dreaming and who knows where that would take me.


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