Friday, August 2, 2013

One A Day in August

I've thought about this.
I've debated the pros and cons.
I've almost talked myself into it.
Then I change my mind.
Then I change it back again.

I've gotten lazy with my writing. I don't want it to become a chore, but I do want to write about my days, my ups and downs and in-betweens, my kids (muwahahaha), my Leo, my life. I go back to Day#1 of this blog and I think about my reasons for wanting to do this in the first place.

So, back to the drawing, er, writing board I go. My resolution?
Write something every day in August. Not anything mind-shattering or life-changing perhaps, but just about life. Because someday, I want to be able to go back and remember August 2013. I want my children, my grandchildren, my great grandchildren to know about August 2013.

You are all welcome to read along as a go about this writing of life stuff. And at the end of the month, if I get through every single day with something posted, well, I am feeling like drawing a few names out of the hat. Hmmm, what should it be this time? Mocha brownies, Knock You Naked Brownies, Apple Pie…..I am open to suggestions. Be reasonable though. I am not Betty Crocker.

Now, I must fly to get myself together for work. My lunch/supper or whatever it is called at 3 o'clock in the morning is packed. My scrubs are clean and semi-unwrinkled. If only my mind was there instead of out in the garden picking sweet cherry tomatoes…

…and zucchini's and green beans….

…and a few random sunflowers. 



  1. Oh, I am envious of your tomatoes.....praying that the Lord gives me a small plot of land someday to plant some good veggies and tomatoes and strawberries on. I don't think I have enough to write about to do it every day in August....but I am going to try to do more than sitting in my lonely apartment...then maybe I will have something to write about. So good luck and I will look forward to reading your daily blog.

  2. Ruth, I have never met you face to face, but I am enjoying getting glimpses into who you are with your comments. I pray too that you would one day have a plot of land to call your own. Having lived in both city and country, I don't take it for granted. Even a pot of earth can grow whatever you plant, so go for it! Be Blessed today! Dianne
