Friday, August 30, 2013

I'll Take a Large, Caffeinated Coffee

I. Need. A. Cup. Of. Coffee.

Make it a large.

No decaf.

I usually sleep pretty good after night shift.

Not today though.

Too much to do, too little time.


Now it is time to get my head back into the nightshift mode. I am reclining on the couch, giving Ryan a list of what to pack for the weekend at my sister's. The girls need picked up at 5:15 from volleyball practice and I need to be ready before that so that once I drop them off back at the house, I can leave for work.

We have a bridal shower on Sunday (ExCiTeD!!) for Aaron and Lisa-Anna, so my head, even though sleepy, is full of thoughts, ideas, and plans. Not exactly sleep-inducing.

The house looks like it's normal, very lived-in state of chaos and I chose to sleep on the couch. Not exactly sleep-inducing.

I am already thinking about next week and my schedule. Shakespeare's vet appointment. Amy's orthodonist appointment. And there is something else, I know there is; I just can't think of it. Not exactly sleep-inducing.

Now it is 4:46. I have 30 minutes to pack my dinner and breakfast, get dressed, pick up the girls, rally Ryan for what he needs to get done, and ignore the rest of what I can't get done. Not exactly sleep-inducing.

Oh, but wait, I am supposed to be awake now. I need something that is awake-inducing.

I. Need. A. Cup. Of. Coffee.

Make it a large, with caffeine please. And make it to-go.

Gotta love a good cup of coffee. Mm-mm-good.


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