Thursday, August 22, 2013

School Shopping~an August Tradition

 School shopping on the Wednesday before school is a day both looked forward to and dreaded simultaneously. Who doesn't like new clothes? New supplies? New gear for the year? It even makes me want to go back. Well, almost.

Here we are, at Frostburg State University, waiting for Adrienne to talk to the correct personnel in Financial Aid, in the Business Office and The Billing Dept. Okay, I just changed my mind; I don't want to go back.

After we got in a little walk around campus, Adrienne returned to the car, a little frustrated and ready to go. We headed to Walmart because we knew they'd have every school supply known to man . And because crayons and markers will make her forget financial aggravations. 

The funny thing is this: we didn't even buy crayons and markers (not even the smelly ones).
Instead, we got pencils (both the click-ie kind and the old-fashioned need-to-be-sharpened kind), a pencil sharpener, ballpoint pens, yardsticks (yes, the 3-ft long kind), spiral notebooks, one backpack and two gym bags.

And soon, supplies in hand, we went on down the mall to eat.  I tried to get a group shot without looking. So much for heads.

We ate, we talked, we schemed out next stop, we lost a tooth.

No, really. Ryan lost the second tooth in as many weeks. Lots of "ew"s"and "gross" all around.

Since the supplies were already obtained, the next items on the list involved clothing, both for the school and for the upcoming wedding. Sometimes, it gets a little long and boring waiting outside fitting rooms. Notice the goofy shenanigans of my firstborn and last born. Tsk, tsk.

Some of us would say that "a little long and boring" is understated just a bit.

Another school shopping day is done and sipping milkshakes, we headed home. I didn't realize how exhausting this all could be, but I started this at 10:48pm and fell asleep. It is now tomorrow as I hit "save" and "post".


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