Monday, March 5, 2012

Crazy Quilt Friendship

What would we do without friends? Besides being sad, lonely, and depressed that is.

I spent the afternoon with a friend and it was nice to just talk and laugh about nothing especially important. We drank tea and played with her baby once he woke from his nap and laughed some more.

Women friends. I would be lost without them. They encourage and keep me going when I am weary. They are tough on me when I want to give up. They make me laugh and cry. They bring something to the table that no one else can.

Tonight I am going out to meet some women from church for a meal. Some of them, I have spent time with, others are familiar faces to me but I don't know them and they don't know me. To be honest, I am a little nervous.

Being a friend is being able to be real with someone else. Can I be vulnerable enough to be the real Dianne tonight? What if I don't fit in? What if I have nothing to say? Yes, there are times that I, Dianne Maust, have nothing to say. Amazing, I know. But what if tonight it happens? Or everything I say comes out wrong and stupid?

Why am I stressing about this? These are all just women with lives of their own and we are coming together to share bits and pieces of who we are, with the others. A little like a crazy quilt of colors, textures, and patterns. Maybe by themselves, none of the colors, textures and patterns look like they would match, but thrown together, somehow, the fabrics become an interesting collage that tell a story.

I think I like that. A lot.
So, I am off to the The Casselman Restaurant for food, and fellowship and hopefully laughter with a few new friends. Hopefully they will not just see me as crazy, but as a piece of something beautiful that fits into the quilt.


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