Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Ballroom Lesson #1

Slow...Slow...Quick Quick
Slow...Slow...Quick Turn (I think)
Oops, sorry...excuse us...oh no, we lost the timing...again.

Last night was the first Ballroom Lesson for Leo and I.
We learned the basic first steps of Foxtrot and Rumba.
There were 6 couples including us on the dance floor at Balanced Body Studio. We only ran into one or two of them.  Once or twice.

I was a little nervous when we got there; I didn't think I was, but my hands were freezing cold and then sweaty and that is always a good indicator of nervousness for me.  All the other couples, save one who had done this before, looked about as apprehensive as we did, and that actually made me feel better.

Now, the one thing you always hear when couples talk about learning to dance is that "the man must lead".  The next thing you hear is how it is hard for the woman to let the man lead. As much as I hate to admit it, it is rather true. Not that I feel the need to be the leader, I think it is more that I just think I am right and he is wrong sometimes. I want Leo to lead; I just want him to lead with how I think he should lead instead of trusting that he is going to take us in the right direction. That being said, I think dancing is going to teach me something about keeping my mouth shut and letting Leo take the lead. Because, really, he is usually right on with how he leads, he just comes at it from a different angle than me. Maybe it is time for me to add a new dimension.

We learned that "a strong frame is the most important" when it comes to leading. It also makes you look good even when your feet are doing everything wrong.  Without the frame, you feel awkward and you realize how bad your posture is. Remember how Fred and Wilma would dance with their bums sticking out and their foreheads touching? Not a good frame. I tried finding a picture, but could only find this one:
On this one, their frame is not too bad!
I figure if Fred and Wilma can dance, so can Leo and Dianne! And if you look real close, Wilma's  taller than Fred too.

Back to is important because it allows the man to lead. With a gentle touch or change in pressure with his hand, it makes the woman go where he needs her to go, with grace and seeming effortless.

 Don't you just love it when a man makes you look good? 

When I allow Leo to lead, I am not giving up control, I am working with him and in the end, we make a team that looks good. We had moments last night where I would just look at him while we were doing the steps, and I'd think "We are actually dancing! Not just moving to music, but dancing. And it feels right." 

Then I'd lose my steps because I'd be thinking about my man and what he'd do if I'd kiss him right that moment. 

Next week, we'll build on what we've learned so far and I am excited. I don't think I'll be nervous next week. I may even wear sequins. 


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