Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Procrastination Destination

It's 11:50AM and I should have the primer on Heather's walls.

But I don't.

I have been excited about this project and now I am procrastinating getting started. I think it is because my  paint "stuff" is not organized to my OCD specifications and I need to go down to the basement and look for a couple things to get started. So, I am avoiding it. Because I know when I go to the basement, I will feel the need to organize it. For an hour or more. I will also see the washing machine that is only working sometimes (something in the control panel), and all the laundry and that will be annoying. I will have to go check it out too.

 Sometimes my biggest frustration in life is myself.

Okay, take a deep breath. Take another deep breath. Say a prayer for God's direction on my day.

"My heart took delight in all my work, and this was the reward for all my labor." Ecclesiastes 2:10

I need to just enjoy my day, my work. Not get caught up and stressed out over details that really aren't that important.

My today resolution: Put on some lively Celtic music, push everything away from Heather's walls and cover with old sheets, get the primer from the basement (wear a blindfold if I have to), and get it on the walls!

Note to self: Pause often to smile. Pause often to stretch. Definitely pause for a cup of coffee. Sing loudly with the music. Who cares who hears you? It's not like the milkman or the feed guy will be stopping in.


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