Thursday, February 2, 2012

Groundhogs aka Woodchuck aka Whistling Pig

This morning, for the 126th time, that famous Punxsutawney Phil Groundhog ventured forth from his winter dwelling and predicted the outcome of the rest of the winter....of which he says there will be 6 more weeks of.

Everyone keeps saying, "I can't complain, this winter hasn't really seemed like winter." I kinda think that too, but really, I am ready for Spring. There is something about each of the seasons that I like, but I like Spring the best (shhh, don't tell the other seasons).

From the end of March until June 20th, I enjoy the fresh green colors, the way the earth smells...well, earthy, the new shoots poking up through the soil, and the way the balmy breezes feel blowing across your face which is upturned to feel the warmth of the sun.

As far as 6 more weeks of winter goes, that's pretty normal I suppose and I don't mind. I have a lot of indoor projects to do that wouldn't get done if I was out gallivanting like a frisky colt around the yard. Yes, I have been known to kick up my heels a time or two...

And as far as groundhogs go, Punxsutawney can keep Phil. In fact, I have a few more that I would love to donate to the cause. I have one or two fat ones living underneath my gardening shed, which I think is just plain rude! They like to come out and feast on delphiniums and phlox when they are young and tender (the plants, not the groundhogs) and I even saw one up in the apple tree.

I didn't even know they could climb trees.

Six more weeks of winter will go by quickly; it always does in hindsight. Today will go by in a blink of an eye. What can I get into?

My today resolution: Enjoy today for today. This day will never be lived again (unlike the movie Groundhog Day) and it is mine to enjoy. Make the most of it! 


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