Saturday, May 5, 2012

A Lovable Packrat

My boy is a packrat. Let me just clarify.

1. a collector of miscellaneous useless objects
2. any of several bushy-tailed rodents of the genus Neotoma of western North America; hoards food and other objects
WordNet® 3.0, © 2006 by Princeton University.
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I just don't know where the boy gets it from.

Really I don't.

Just because I have every scrap of fabric I have ever cut, every button I've found, every shred of paper from scrapbooking, doesn't mean I am a packrat.

Surely not.

I mean, what I have saved, stored, and filed away is useful. I may need it. . . someday. Maybe.
Not to mention, that some of what I have saved is sentimental. My great great grandchildren will thank me one day. Right?

I helped Ryan clean his room today. Between the papers, drawings, odds and ends of bits 'n' pieces, he had a lot of clutter. String, pieces from miscellaneous games and Legos, marker caps, and pencil nubs that nobody could feasibly write with were everywhere, along with candy wrappers, the white fringes off of notebook paper and rubber bands.

We swept, sorted and tossed. We wiped grimy farmboy fingerprints off the wall. We sat and ate brownies. (Fresh brownies by the way, not ones that we found in his room.) We talked and actually had fun rearranging what little we could in his small room.

Ryan is happy. He was okay tossing some of his "junk" that truly was junk. Now he feels like playing in his room. I hear him singing too.
Inside his closet/office :)

What can I go clean out? What can I toss? What do I hang onto that I could do without? Today still has a few good hours in it. I am motivated to organize and even toss a thing or two. Maybe put together a box or two for The Salvation Army.

I just may even join Ryan in singing.

My Today Resolution: Clean out one cupboard, one drawer, one file, anything. Just do it.


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