Sunday, May 20, 2012

Gathering the Loose Ends

Today is beautiful.
The sunshine.
The warmth.
The laziness of it all.

And I am at loose ends.

Loose end
1. a detail that is left unsettled, unexplained, or incomplete
at a loose end without purpose or occupation
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003

Why do I feel so restless? Like I need to be doing something? It's like my day has no purpose if I have no purpose. I don't like feeling like I have had a "wasted day". 
I worked the last two nights and I actually fell asleep in my car before I even left the hospital parking lot. Now, that's a first; I usually at least make it to Somerset. I secretly wonder if I have a strange tropical sleeping disorder that causes me to be delirious the moment I get in my car after night shift. Of course, having not spent time in the tropics would render my exotic sleep disorder null and void. 
I am just plain, sleep-deprived (boring though that may be) tired. 
So after my brief little siesta, I took off for home, stopping for groceries on the way. Once here, I had grand intentions of going for a looooooooooong walk. I changed clothes, laid on the bed, and before I knew it, the same sleeping disorder took over. My siesta this time was much longer.
I woke up at 4pm and now, at 5:24pm, I am still at loose ends. 
Do I drink coffee now or not? Don't even suggest decaf. I mean really, that's like saying, "Here, eat a piece of fake chocolate." 
I think I will still go for a walk; I think I can convince Leo to come along with me. I don't like to walk in the woods alone. You never know when a hawk will swoop down from the sky and carry you off. Just saying. 
Wasted day or not? 
I rested and siesta'd. I blogged. I ate. I can still go for a walk. Not wasted, just rearranged. It's only wasted if I let if be wasted or I if look at it as pointless. 
So, look out Leo, we're going on a walk. 
Better bring the hawk repellant.

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