Wednesday, May 9, 2012


I walked into the house this morning after work and was greeted by an unusual aroma and the sound of little feet scratching.  Oh, and chirping, lots of that too.

Yep, my kitchen has a box with what looked like about 16 fuzzy, yellow chicks, and 4 reddish colored ones. They were hard to count as they did not line up nicely in a row; rather, they kept running around each other, climbing in the water bowl, and chirping all the while.

They came in what appeared to be boxes similar to Chinese take-out. Shhh...don't tell them that.  The fluffy yellows ones are for (gasp)...eating. The red ones are little Rhode Island Reds and will be egg layers. Those are my favorite ones.

They are terribly cute right now and make me want to celebrate Easter all over again. 
My mother may not feel the same way. 
In fact, she may never visit again as long as there are chickens on the loose. 
She had a BAD experience with a feathered friend as a child, and chickens do not rank high on her list of things she loves. In fact, they don't even make the list. 

Don't worry Mom, we hope to have a coop of some kind for them. Believe me, I don't want them in the kitchen any longer than necessary. 

 They are funny to watch. Wherever the light goes, they follow. I just wonder how they can see anything other than sunspots before their beady little eyes. Don't they know it's not healthy to stare into a bright light? Tsk tsk tsk.

As I am trying to get a picture of them facing me, they all turn as a little group and look the opposite way. I tried clucking like a mother hen to get them to look at me, but apparently I wasn't too effective. They all tried even harder to get into the corner away from me. 

They are cute, aren't they? I wonder what I should call them...
Tweedle-dum and Tweedle-dee?
Laurel and Hardy?
Robin Hood and Little John?
Lucy and Ethel?
Lavern and Shirley?

Oh wait...I can't name the yellow ones. . . the eating ones. . . that would be weird. 
As for the Rhode Island Reds. . . 

I like Lucy and Ethel. 


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