Saturday, August 4, 2012

The Restful State of Awake

2:49pm and I awaken to the sound of leaves rustling together on the tree outside my window as thunder grumbles in the distance. Other than the leaves, there is a stillness outside, a quietness, a hush as everything else holds it's breath in anticipation of a storm.  Only a moment passes, then a sigh, and I hear a cricket begin it's afternoon chant.

2:53pm and now a few birds have added to the cricket's lament. The thunder sounds more distant, but then there is one louder complaint. I am waiting. My heart beats a steady rhythm as I rest, listening.

2:56pm and the leaves tapping on my window are more urgent now, sending a mixed Morse code. The laundry on the clothesline as flapping about in the increasing wind, asking to be let in, out of the impending rain shower.

3:00pm. I watch the pine tree on the front of the house as it lifts its limbs and then lowers them, like a deep sigh. There is blue sky with incredibly high fluffy clouds. The thunder has paused for a moment, finding nothing to say for now. The breeze whispers an August poem, telling of fairs and lazy afternoons, sweet corn and cantaloupe.

3:12pm. The wind has occasional bursts of ambition and the tree outside my bedroom window responds with a shudder and the sound of a hundred leaves clapping their hands, and a few twigs scratching across my window in a screechy chalkboard kind of way. I was relaxing until that moment occurred.

3:15pm and I no longer hear the thunder. I am disappointed. I was looking forward to an afternoon thunderstorm. Instead, I hear Ryan and Leo out at the barn, having a muffled conversation about the important questions of life, like "why do elbows bend the way they do", and "what's for supper". One of the gray cats is meowing down by the door; it might be Martha or Kurt, or one of the two young gray ones. Anyone want a friendly midsize gray cat? Four is plenty for us and Martha has a new litter of kittens hidden away in the barn. I don't think the cats were disappointed that the storm passed us by.

3:20pm. My alarm goes off in 40 minutes and I should close my eyes for a few more snatches of sleep. I should be sleeping now, but you know, the thunder and all... Actually, I feel rested, even though I was awakened to early. The sounds of nature have a way of doing that you know.

3:23pm. Good night for a little while. Sweet dreams.


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