Friday, August 17, 2012

A Baked Potato Day

A friend of mine once had a horrible day. You know, the kind of day where everything felt like it went wrong, and everything made her mad or got completely on her last nerve. The kids were loud. The house was a mess. She felt unorganized and crazy, even a little possessed.

Then, as the day was drawing to a close, finally, she thought, she made herself a baked potato. She made it just the way she liked it, and as she went to sit on the couch to eat it, she dropped the plate. Baked potato went everywhere in a soft, steamy splat. I don't remember if she screamed or not, but I would have at that point. I do know that she got on the floor, scooped up that potato and ate it anyway.

We always joked around after that day, calling any really bad day a "baked potato day".
Today was a baked potato day.

I apologize to any gentleman readers, but I am going to mention that "time of the month." It's real and it's annoying. Before I even checked out a calendar, I knew, I just knew. Everything made me want to either scream, curse or cry. Sometimes all three. I did a lot of mumbling under my breath. Every time I tried to pin a smile on, it just kept falling off. Thankfully, this accursed time period (no pun intended) only lasts a day for me, but it is a baked potato day for sure.

Whether it was the girls watching television when the dishes needed done, Ryan on the computer checking out his virtual horse ranch (no matter that the real ones need fed too), the refrigerator needing defrosted,  the large (and I do mean large!) spider hanging outside my front door, the cats laying in my garden outside the front door repeatedly, or the fact that I work all weekend, I just felt like a porcupine giving birth to a breech porcupine baby.

Just take a moment to imagine that. You'll understand.

I am not proud of days like today.
I want to go back to bed and start all over.
But I can't.
I can however try to work on this totally rotten attitude of mine.

Positive things about today:
Leo came home earlier than expected. I met him with a kiss. Sigh.
Amy did help with the dishes and the kitchen floor.
Heather helped with supper.
The rain held off and I got some laundry on the line.
I have a job that pays the bills.
The policeman didn't pull me over in Salisbury.

I didn't say it was much, but hey, I'm trying.
And we are not having baked potatoes for supper.

Dianne :)


  1. Blessings to you Dianne! I love baked potatoes, but not in the way you describe them! =) Have a blest weekend, even if you are working. Love you!

  2. Thanks Sharon! Ask Angela sometime about a baked potato day :) I wonder if she remembers. I hope I can bless others this weekend in some way cause I sure need to make up for yesterday!! Dianne
