Thursday, November 15, 2012

Three More Questions Answered

Time to answer some more miscellaneous Facebook Questions:
First, here are three from the one and only Ms. Melanie Byler:
    #1 What's your most embarrassing public bathroom moment?
Really? You had to ask? Like you think I would have a most embarrassing bathroom moment.
Well, actually I do. Big surprise there.
When I was pregnant, very pregnant, like 3 days away from Adrienne's birth, I was shopping with the Bender gang. I had to use the bathroom, quite urgently in fact, as only a pregnant woman would know. As I am in the bathroom doing my thing, with who I thought was only my sister Kim, I am singing a song about this being such a relief. Not in a beautiful, meaningful way, but in a goofy, I really am relieved kind of a way. When I go to leave, there is no sister in sight, but there were other miscellaneous ladies using the facility. They were all polite enough to glance at my belly, smile in understanding, and said nary a word.

#2 What was my favorite band as a teenager?
For me, Christian music didn't really play a role in my life until I was 13-14 years old when the local WAIJ station came on the air, playing only Christian songs. Up until that point, I listened to WFRB, the best country music station around. I liked Kenny Rogers. As far as a band, I was quite a fan of Mylon LeFevre and Broken Heart. 
They had the look,
 they had the hair, 
they could rock 'n roll with a Christian flair. 
I also liked to listen to David Meece, Steve Archer, Geoff Moore, and Amy Grant. I guess they weren't "bands" per say other than Mylon LeFevre and Broken Heart, but that's who the radio played and who I liked. Oh, I also liked DeGarmo & Key. I still have an album of theirs up in my attic. Yes, the old type record that could double as a frisbee. If only I had a record player that worked...

#3 Which chid is your favorite?
Boy, she knows how to ask questions, doesn't she? Now, it doesn't say which of my own children but I am guessing that's what she meant. Picking a favorite child is like deciding which sunset was the most amazing, which Starbucks flavor I savor the most, which color in Autumn is my favorite, or which snowflake makes winter so beautiful. No one else has Adrienne's way with kids, Aaron's gift for music or Ryan's imagination. Amy is an artist like no other and Heather dances her way into the very core of my being. Adrienne thinks deeply and her reflections make me pause and wonder. Aaron is the one who calls me Mother Bear and it completely warms my heart. Amy is quiet, but has a way of encouraging that is loud, if you know what I mean. Heather has faith that moves mountains. Ryan is tenderhearted and is a good friend. They all like pizza, but with different toppings. I like my kids, not just love them because I have to. They are different too, like pizza toppings, but they all fit right inside my heart like a puzzle all put together. Or the best pizza ever. 

And that's 3 more questions answered. Just a few more to go, so keep reading. If you ask, I will answer (eventually!) 


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