Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Make a List or be Listless

I hate waking up in the morning and my first thoughts are of the "To-Do List" looming over my day. Instead of stretching my limbs lazily as I slowly let my focus bring into view the shadows dancing on the ceiling, cast by the fleeting rays of sun, I am instead groaning inwardly outwardly as the list if "to-do's" grows by the second.
-sign Ryan's planner
-finish getting papers together for a meeting this morning at 10:00
-exercise before meeting at 10.
-gather folders and files for today's home visits
-visits at 2:00, 3:00, and 6:30
-update care plans
-do the dishes
-make shopping list for Bender Christmas
-get Ryan to Christmas program practice
-pay bill at Gnagey's Garage

And so my day starts with all the busyness, hurry and bother. It all makes me feel a bit whirlwind-ish.
Then, I pause, a mug of peppermint mocha in hand. Coffee begs to be savored, to be enjoyed. I have to slow down, for just a minute or two, or ten. I read something in Psalms. I think I'll write my blog. I have time.

Psalms 68:19 "Praise be to the Lord, to God our Saviour, who daily bears our burdens. Selah."

One verse in the midst of many. One small verse, but it speaks so loudly. My burdens, compared to so many, are relatively few. Are relatively minor. But I can know that, big or small, my burdens are carried. I am not alone. He goes before me, and He knows the way. He knew my "To-Do List" long before I did.

I have choices today. I can choose to complain about what needs done, about how busy I am, or how little time I have. Or I can realize that by other choice I have made, that this is my life right now. I can now choose to be positive in my attitude, I can choose thankfulness and gratitude.

Speaking of thankfulness, I am really behind on this 30 days of thankfulness...
Day 5: Adrienne (It was her birthday!)
Day 6: Freedom that living in the USA allows
Day 7: Our farm which gives us a glorious place to live
Day 8: Gray cats
Day 9: My bed with lots of pillows and blankets
Day 10: Deep, restful sleep
Day 11: A day at the Bender Cabin
Day 12: Twenty-four hours in every day
Day 13: Laptop computers
Day 14: Leo is at home with me this morning

I like lists. I could add that to my thankful list. Or #16 on the "To-Do List" could be "Add liking lists to the thankful list." 
And while I am on the topic of lists, did you ever think about the connection to the word "listless"?

listless |ˈlis(t)lis| adjective
(of a person or their manner) lacking energy or enthusiasm
There you have it. There is a reason to make a list. To be without a list, to be list-less, is not where I want to be. 
Time for an about-face. I am thankful for my "To-Do List". Yes, I am. 

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