Saturday, November 3, 2012

Thankful Thoughts, Answers and Etc.

It's been a long week.

For many of you, Hurricane/Blizzard Sandy has affected your lives in ways I can't even imagine.
For us, it was a somewhat pleasant snowstorm, but for others, just miles away, the snow came down heavy and hard, breaking branches, knocking out power, and flooding basements. For those even further East, the hurricane wreaked havoc, destroying homes and taking lives. My prayers are with you.

November is upon us and I am seeing many Facebook posts about the 30 days of Thankfulness. Like just about everything else in my life, I am already behind by a few days. But here are 3 thankful thoughts:

1.) I am blessed by a husband who I am in love with, always and until forever. He is just my Leo and I thank God for the man, the husband and father that he is. 

2.) My children bless me in more ways than I can even comprehend. To think that God handpicked them for me and Ryan, Heather, Amy, Aaron, and Adrienne...I love you. 

3.) My house is warm, albeit cluttered, crazy and chaotic. But even more than my house being warm, I hope that the heart of my home is warm. I am thankful for the space and the place that God has given to us. 

Do I have to stop at 3?
There is so much to be thankful for and already, just writing down three things, my heart feels full. Maybe I will try to continue with the thankful thoughts. Probably not on time, but hey, I'll try. 

For those that asked me questions on Facebook, I promise I will get back to you on the answers. Some of the questions deserve time and thought and I want to answer. So keep watching and reading, I will get to them. 

Here was the first question (from Amy Maust): 
Mary has 50 beads and she gives 40 to Eliza. Then Eliza gives half of the 40 to bill and 20 divided by 5 to Micheal. What is the total of Eliza's and Micheal's beads?

First of all, thank you Amy, since you know how much I like math. Totally not. 
I think the answer is 20 beads (Eliza ended up with 16 and Micheal had 4). If I am wrong, please let me know. Just be nice. 

The next 3 questions were from Kelsey Bender, who also gave me questions involving numbers. 

What is Pi to the 100,000,000 digit? ^_^ The answer is 3.something. It is a really long number. Yes, I cheated and looked it up. No, I still don't really know what any of it means. Did you see the smiley face after her question? That was the only part I really understood. 

How do you find wave length? 
Okay, did she mean the ocean waves, light waves, the hand wave...? Let's go with light.

speed of light (c) = Frequency (f) * lambda/ wavelength


wavelength = frequency / speed of light

I am glad that is all clear to everyone now. 
Maybe I need a formula for brain wavelength because I don't think mine would be reading very high right about now.  

How old are you? ;) Aaah, an easy one. I am twenty-eight. Thirty-four. Okay I am forty-asfldsfjdsklfjds. Oops. No, really, I don't mind telling my age :) I am 42. Yep, but I feel 28 or 34.

So, there are the math/number questions. No one asked, but I will repeat: I. DETEST. MATH.

And now for one more thing I am thankful for:

Bass Clarinets

Please hit "play"

Okay, how about 2 more things?  

Snickerdoodle Scones


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