Friday, June 1, 2012

Quilts and Dresses

I had some mending to do today and in digging through my sewing stuff, I came across some old quilt blocks. Originally, these were to be for Adrienne's bed. Her colors and tastes have changed through the years though, and country pinks and blues aren't really her thing anymore.

As a matter of fact, they aren't really mine either. But back in the early to mid 1990's, they were.

Not only did I find the finished blocks, but I found a lot more individual squares ready to be pieced into the 9-square block. A lot. So I decided to sew what I had done already, together. I plan to finish it 15 years or so after starting it. I seem to have a lot of projects that are that old. Hmmmmm.

Back to the pink and blue quilt. . .

As I looked at all the fabrics, I realized that some where from dresses that I'd made myself back in the 80ies and into the 90ies. I have decided that I wore way too much pink and blue. I don't even really like to   wear pink now, unless it is in a work uniform.

I think the one above was from a maternity dress/tent.
The two below were definitely both from dresses I wore. Really, what was I thinking. I must've looked like either a flower garden or a quilt.
I am sure that for "back then", I was a stylin' Mennonite chick who had it going.  I'd post a picture of myself in one of the afore mentioned dresses, but that would mean scanning it into the computer and I am lazy.

Oh, okay already. Here's a picture of me in one of the dresses. Puffy sleeves and all.


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