Monday, June 18, 2012

My Music Talent, or lack thereof

I am listening to David Garrett play his violin; he has the most amazing talent! Look him up sometime. He literally has me dancing a jig around the kitchen as I am getting supper ready. I always wanted to play a musical instrument, and beyond learning "Go Tell Aunt Rhody" on the recorder in Third Grade, and Kumbya on my grandmother's organ, I haven't accomplished much on that front.

I did have piano lessons for a little while as an adult in my early twenties, but I think there is something to the saying, "You can't teach an old dog new tricks." While twenty-something is not old by any standard, it seems my brain was already wired to not be able to pick up an instrument and learn it easily.

Of course, maybe I wanted to sound like David Garrett right away, and was discouraged when I wasn't producing beautiful inspirational music right away. It still takes me a long time just to get through simple songs like "Silent Night", and if I were to play it somewhere in public, it would be a long silent night.

My piano lessons started at a local teacher, about five lessons in all. Then we moved to Kentucky and in exchange for trimming an older, disabled woman's hedges for her, she gave me piano lessons on her seventy year old piano. Her name was Taisa and she was from the Ukraine. She would coach me in a richly accent to play Fur Elise, and her gnarled arthritic fingers played so much better than mine! But she was very patient, especially if she knew I was really trying.

I did practice too. To the point that everyone who lived in the same house as us, was ready to hide my music if I dared to play that first page ever again. Every single time I'd mess up, I'd start at the beginning. Over and over and over and over. Actually they probably wanted to slam the lid of the untuned, tinny sounding antique piano down on my fingers.

My dreams of playing an instrument have faded over the years. I'd still love to be able to play, but the learning part keeps getting in the way. Instead, I listen to music almost all the time. Whether I am inside the house, in my car, or out on a walk, or gardening, I have music on.

Some of my favorite music to listen to is when Aaron sits at the piano and his fingers effortlessly dance over the keys, and music just appears. His talent, like David Garrett's, amazes me. He hears the music in his head and heart, and somehow he can translate that into what his fingers are commanding the piano to do. It's as though the instrument and Aaron are having a conversation.

Piano, guitar, trumpet, and even recorder. Yep, Aaron can make them all sound good.
Must get his talent from me.

Piano, guitar, trumpet, and even a recorder; Aaron can make them all sound good. 
A Silent Night with Aaron would be a sad, silent night. 

Play on Piano Man, I'll always be listening.  


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