Monday, June 4, 2012

Speaking Another "Language"

I have flowers to finish planting.
I could be mowing yard.
There is a load of laundry waiting to be put in the wash.
There is a load of laundry waiting to be folded and put away.
What should I start for supper?

But I am tired.
Three night shifts, 12 hours each, plus an hour or so of driving each way have done me in.
I want to curl up with a book or a good movie.
I want a cup of hot tea.
A long soak in the tub would be welcome, if we had a tub.
Alas, just a shower.

But, I want to thank Amy, Heather, and Ryan.
No, I need to thank them.
The dishes were done and the floor was swept when I came home this morning.
The clutter was cleared when I ventured in the front door.
Ahhh, this was so sweet to a tired mama's physical and emotional being.

So, kiddos, thank you! I mean it, THANK YOU!
We all speak a "love language" in some form or another and this morning, you spoke mine.
Some people love to hear words of encouragement.
Others need a hug, or some other physical touch.
Then there are those who like to get a gift.
As for me, I respond best to an act of service.

You see, you can say "I love you" a million times, but if your dirty clothes are flung on the floor, the garbage is piling up, and the dishes haven't been done for two days, the "I love you" falls flat for me. Walking in the door this morning, knowing that you all cared enough to make the house look inviting when I walked in, said "I love you" so much louder, than mere words.

You spoke my love language and my heart melted. Now, that doesn't mean I don't like to hear the words, and I love the hugs and back rubs I receive, and yes, I like to get gifts too (Thanks for the Starbucks card, Adrienne! I love it!), but when you all pick up the pieces of our very lived-in home, without being nagged at to do it, well, that says "love" to me.

So, I'll say it again. Thank you.  Gracias.  Merci.  Moran tang.  Danke. Go raibh math agaibh.  Arigato.

My today resolution: Find out someone else's love language and speak it to them. 


1 comment:

  1. Ah, you have great kids! That is my love language too and I can completely relate. Enjoy your clean house (for as long as it lasts :))
