Monday, September 2, 2013

Take That Dive

I stood, poised on the edge. The very edge.
I wanted to do it, I really did.
But I just couldn't take that last step, that final plunge.

My heart was pounding.
I didn't even know for sure why I was scared; I just was.
Out of control.

If a 3 year old could do this, so could I.
Just take a deep breath and GO!

I tried that.
It didn't really work.
I tried praying.
But then I remember, He walked on water.
I can't.

My nephew went first.
Now I had no choice.
All eyes were turned my way.
They supported me.
They had my back.

I tried not to think too much this time.
I walked to the edge and stepped off.
I plunged into the deep end of the pool,
barely touched bottom and started to come back up.

Where was the surface?
Just kick.
Then, a hand.
My brother-in-law, right there to make sure I was okay.
And I was.

I did it. I jumped off the diving board, something I'd never done before.
I don't really swim.
I was afraid, but I wanted to do it.
After all, if my 70-year old mother could plummet down the water slide, I could do this.
I would do this.

But it took faith.
Faith that I'd rise to the surface.
That my family would rescue me if I needed it.
Faith that when I jumped into the unknown, I'd be okay.

It only took a while.
My daughter said that the birds were circling overhead.
Really now.
But wanting to do something and having the courage to do it are two different things.

Such a small thing really, jumping into a pool, but for me it felt big.
It was stepping out of my comfortable, solid ground zone.
And you know what? It was okay. I survived.

And I can do all things, even the things that scare me silly, or make me feel stupid, or are just plain hard, because I know that I have God to back me up. He's got my back, even when I forget or don't feel that He is there. He is always there.

Isaiah 43:2

New International Version (NIV)
2 When you pass through the waters,
I will be with you;
and when you pass through the rivers,
they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire,
you will not be burned;
the flames will not set you ablaze.


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