The same, both forwards and backwards, so that even a dyslexic moment won't make me, even for just a moment on paper, any younger than what I am. (Try it sometime. Let's say you are turning 42 and you accidentally write it 24 on your driver's license application. See what I mean? Happens all the time, I am sure.) And even if I pretended to by younger, there are just some things that happen after leaving the Tremendous Thirties behind that one can't deny.
At least for me that is true and if this has not happened to any other 40-something-year-olds out there, do not tell me. I do not want to know. Really. Not that I'd remember, unless you told me over a shared pot of coffee. (See, I drink it for it's medicinal properties of memory enhancement, which I need since turning 40.) But (there's always a but) all this coffee leads to another function which seems to have begun to malfunction. It's simple really. Liquid in = liquid out.
That should be about as uncomplicated as it gets. Right?
For me, it's more like Liquid in = Extremely urgent, stop-by-the-side-of-the-road-to-go, leg crossing, bladder threatening to let loose RIGHT NOW Liquid Out. No kidding. Somehow being in my 40's, my bladder has rebelled and not just rebelled, but it is basically driving a Harley Davidson cross-country without a license. (This is what I imagine this would kinda look like, and the picture I want on my driver's license please.)
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44 And they say the best is yet to come. What on earth does that mean?!? I am just a little bit nervous about this "best is yet to come" part. The bladder, the memory…what else? |
Oh, I know. I remember now. It's the eyes. The vision that went from 20/20 to "ha-ha you're 40/44". Actually, I don't know what I am for sure, but I do know that I went from no need for glasses to bifocals in the four short years I've spent in this decade. I can't read small print. At all. Not even a little bit. I do not like wearing glasses to read a book when I am falling asleep. I do not like having to ask my 10 year old to read his field trip permission slip aloud to me because I don't have my glasses on. And they are getting worse. I think my bifocals need bifocals. I have an appointment on Tuesday. I am kinda excited. Hopefully I'll remember to go to the appointment and I won't drink too much water or coffee (although I know all the best places to stop for a pit-stop, in gas station, grocery store, woods or field between my house and Johnstown PA).
All-in-all, this business of turning 44 has not been that bad. I still have all my teeth.
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