The KFC tasted better than it ever did at home and soon we were on our way. Now, our ETA, according to the GPS was 10:58pm. This day was starting to MMW (make me weary). I am glad I wasn't driving. (And what's with all the abbreviations??)
At this point, I think between the cell phone map apps and the GPS, our location was pretty well pin-pointed. From the Mountain Parkway to Rt. 11 to Rt. 715 to Cliffview Road (or something like that) we thought we had this figured out, but in the end, we still had to call Fred, TSG (the security guy). You see, we were sitting by a building with Bud Light signs blinking neon, but beyond that, there was a gate. Maybe, just maybe, this was the gate we were looking for. On the phone, I am describing to Fred what I am seeing.
"There is a, umm, a kind of beer joint kind of place on my left and a small cemetery on my right."
Okay, that sounded ridiculous, even to me. I start snickering into the phone when I say cemetery. Fred must think we are the strangest people ever as I am sure he can hear the background guffawing my offspring are doing. I wave my hand in an futile effort to make them stop or soon I was going to start laughing outright. Or should I say LOL?
Poor Fred.
But then, what headlight through yonder gate do I see? It is a gold Toyota and there, stepping out to open the gate, is Fred, aka Daniel Boone, BAA (beard and all). After letting us through, the bib-overalled hero followed us to our destination and made sure we could find the key before he left us to our own devices.
He should have waited.
The next 10 minutes involved various members of the Darwin Bender family trying to get the front door open. Fortunately for us (and Fred), the cabin owner had just texted to see if we had arrived yet and while not 5G, we did have cell phone service depending on the angle you held your phone, so we texted back and forth and soon the door was opened.
Other than being told, "You'll just have to be surprised; it's not rustic" in response to my question of how the cabin looked, I had not a clue as to how our weekend home would look. When the door finally opened, we all tumbled in (because we all needed to use the bathroom) and beheld a log cabin-y open room with inviting red plaid couches with a cozy kitchen just beyond. A bar with vintage diner barstools invited one to stay for breakfast and the deck off the kitchen also beckoned one to stay for coffee and lounge awhile.
Aaron claimed Bedroom #1, my parents got the adjacent one while Leo and I, well, we got the one with the whirlpool tub. We know how to pick 'em. The girls each had a couch for their nighttime repose and Ryan sacked out on the floor. After being in the van, no of us could complain; this was nice and we were so TTBH (thankful to be here).

Lessons learned from KFC to KHAFH (Kentucky Home Away From Home)
1. Even if stopping means getting there later, a break is always worth it.
2. There are too many abbreviations in life; take the long way sometimes just because.
3. Every place needs a Fred.
4. It's good to be surprised once in a while (except by spiders and snakes of course.)
5. A place to rest a tired head is a blessing indeed.
To be continued...
Love,To be continued...
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