Soon after our arrival to the cabin and all of the initial unloading, unpacking, unwinding was done, we settled in for a good night's sleep so we could awaken in the morning, fresh and ready to tackle whatever mountain we could climb.
Until about 1:00am.
That's when Heather and KFC parted ways. Oh dear.
We won't dwell on the topic, but let's just say that the night ended up being not-so-restful and at 11:00 the next morning, she and I were still in our bed resting. (Leo had vacated much, much earlier, early bird that he is.) As it turns out, this room faces west and while the other two bedrooms had bright sunshine beaming the occupants awake at about 6am, this room was still dark. (I told you I know how to pick 'em!)
Once I poked my head out to the land of the living, I found my parents and Leo out on the front porch enjoying the shady coolness it offered while the rest of the gang was out walking, exploring the nearby surroundings, checking out the possibilities for the day. Soon, I found myself out on the back deck sipping a French roast blend with brown sugar & vanilla creamer while listening to a variety of birds as they gossiped about the latest occupants of this cabin named "Shiloh". All would be perfect if only Heather felt better. I say a prayer.
So, here it is. On that particular morning, surrounded by a myriad of mountains and valleys, winding pathways and rocky arenas, I think about Isaiah 40:4-5.
"Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low, and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough places plain: And the Glory of the Lord shall be revealed, all flesh shall see it together, for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it."
Chapter 3 Kentucky Vacation Truths:
1. Because "the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it", these mountains could be flat and the massive rocks turned to dust. Wow. (It would be like Kentucky turned Kansas.)
2. Even when plans go awry and someone gets sick on vacation, God is still God.
3. Bagels slathered in cream cheese and jam are best when eaten in the sunshine.
4. My pale skin is happy today as it gets a kiss from the sun. (I know, SPF 70 is nearby.)
5. Heather may never eat at Kentucky Fried Chicken ever again.
What did we do the rest of the day? Stay tuned to hear about a festival, a hike, some water and pixie dust.
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