Kentucky Vacation Chapter 7: A Father's Day
As it would happen, our Kentucky vacation fell on Father's Day weekend and
I am so thankful that the two most influential father's that I know were both with me on that day.
It's been said that a girl will sometimes marry someone like her dad,
and while I didn't really think about this when I was dating Leo, over the years I've seen the similarities.

1. Handsome.
2. The mustache. Hmmmm.
3. Plaid shirts.
4. They rarely ever wear shorts.
5. They give great hugs.
The similarities don't end there. They were both dairy farmers and know how to work really long, hard hours with not a lot of pay. I have seen both of them give selflessly of their time, their money and their skills. Reading the Bible and enjoying the old hymns…yes, something else they have in common.
I remember my dad enjoying those random moments of being able to tease his daughters and his wife. He liked to see us smile. One morning, on one of our many trips back and forth to the barn in the early hours of the day, my dad was practicing with his new turkey call. I was not in the mood. Not a bit. But he kept on and eventually, he knew that in my grumpiness, somewhere there was a smile that would come out. No matter how hard I tried not to give in, not to smile, not even grin, I just couldn't help it. Dad was like that. And guess what I married?
Yes. I married a man who does that exact same thing. I can't tell you how many times I've tried not to smile because I wanted to hang on to that grumpy mood I thought I was justified to have. Leo just keeps on being a little goofy, just enough to get me to smile. It works on all our kids too. When they are in a mood, then I get in a mood, then Leo comes along and soon, we are all in a mood, but it is a much, much better one than before. Leo is just that way.

It hasn't always been all about relaxing, sitting around bonding though. Remember, these men are farmers too. I was taught how to work by my dad (and my mom too, but this is father's day after all) and my children were, and are, being taught how to work by their dad.
Thanks, Dad, for:
1. being an example of strength.
2. being a man not afraid to be honest with himself and others.
3. always having a sense of humor
4. loving Mom in all kinds of situations and seasons.
5. letting me date Leo when I was only 15 and saying "Yes" to him when he asked for your permission to marry me.
Thanks Leo for
1. Ditto (see #1 above)
2. Ditto (see #2 above)
3. Ditto (see #3 above)
4. Ditto (see #4 above, except insert "Dianne" instead of my mom)
5. For dating me when I was 15, asking me to marry you and then becoming a daddy and being my partner in crime as we raise(d) our crew.
(See, I told you I married someone like my dad. Crazy, I know, but with the Dad I've been blessed with, I'd've been crazy not to, don't ya think?)
Happy Father's Day
(sorry this post is 12 days after the fact….)
KY vacation…the rest of Sunday…to be continued…
A very touching tribute!