The duffel bags and backpacks were ready, pillows piled by the door and coolers nearly packed. We waited for my dad to get back from a different trip. Tick-tock tick-tock. I am learning patience. (Actually, I was thankful for the extra time.)

1510. First stop to get gas and ice. No bathroom break (yet).
1520. Back on the road. Mom is programming the GPS. (Good luck on that address…that mysterious, elusive address.)
1645. After an initial hour of quiet, the random games have started. Lisa-Anna is asking us various personality questions as the games "figure us out". Here's an example: we had to prioritize the animals. Here's how I did:
1. Cow (represents work)
2. Horse (love)
3. Sheep (family)
4. Monkey (play)
5. Tiger (pride)
Interesting. I believe this says quite plainly that
I. Need. A.Vacation.
1710. I. Need. A. Snack. Peanuts, banana chips and chocolate bits, please.
Rest Stop # 1 |
The last few hours have been a blend of ukelele playing, telling stories one-sentence-per-person at a time bringing us characters such as Sylvia the Parking Lot (coming to a Theatre near you Summer 2018), weird noxious fumes coming from the back seats (I was up front by the way) and random bursts of laughter. All this to the tune of The Prince of Egypt soundtrack. All throughout the trip thus far, Mom keeps trying to figure out this crazy shield/light thingie that clips to the sun visor, Adrienne's toenails keep digging into my leg fat and the air conditioner is making me feel like I should be in fuzzy footie pajamas. At least I have part of Adrienne's afghan.
And to think, we still have another 1 hour 40 minutes to go….
Briefly we considered a shortcut. Only briefly. Keep this beast moving down the road.
Moving, driving, cruising la dee da dee da…maybe, just maybe, I am getting restless.
Apparently, I am not the only one getting edgy.

Ooohhhh, I know. Let's eat.
KFC gets the vote; this is Kentucky after all.

This family journey from PA to KY is not done yet, but so far here is what I've learned:
1. 10 in a van can be a little bit like the 10 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed.
2. Ryan does not hold still. Ever. (Monkey)
3. Air conditioning is a blessing.
4. Afghans are an even bigger blessing.
5. This business of family bonding is the biggest blessing of all.
To Be Continued…
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