Monday, October 15, 2012

Sharing the Yoke is Not a Joke

I am tired.
I am like the bunny whose batteries died.
My plate is full and I have lost my silverware.
Between jobs, mandatory on-call, and family, I am stretched.
Sometimes I think I can't do it anymore. "It". Whatever "it" is.
And then, just when I think I am going to snap like a rubber band wrapped around one time too many, I find strength to keep on moving. Too keep getting through the moment, the day.

Today, I am looking at my week and wondering how to make it work. I need to do visits. I need to pick up on-call on the days I was planning to do visits. A child doesn't feel well this evening. I am looking at the big picture and I don't know where to make myself fit so that I stay afloat. Then, I tackle one job, one note that needs written, one paper that needs filled out.

One thing at a time.

I know I am a woman, but sometimes multitasking is just too much. I may have 3 hands and eyes in the back of my head, but I can still only do so much. I am still just me, human as can be.

The expectations of what I am needed to do, what I am feeling obligated to do, are threatening to push me under. They weight of it is heavy. But wait, that makes me think of something.

Matthew 11:28-30 (NIV)
 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

Picture a team of horses, or oxen, yoked together. They have to work together and in doing so, the work becomes easier. What do they say, "Two heads are better than one?" I would imagine that two of anything working together makes any job better. So what does that verse mean to me? Today?

I am feeling overwhelmed and stressed. I need to accept that I can only do what I can do. No more, no less. I can choose to go about my day running here and there trying to get "it" all done. Alone. Or I can ask for help from my family and friends. Or I can pray, seeking the guidance from God on how I should structure my week. I can yoke myself to Him; He wants to carry some of the burden for me. 

That might sound funny to some people; like, does God really care about my week and what I do?  Yes, I believe He does. Too many times have I been in the right place, at the right time with the right people to say that it was just circumstance. He cares about my life, busy or not. He can help me make decisions  by changing my attitude or giving me that feeling of peace, or sometimes unrest, that comes from Him. I don't know really how to explain it, it just is that way. 

I am off to take Heather to dance and I have an hour to wait while she practices. I could be stressed out by that, thinking of what else I could be doing, but you know something, I am not. This hour of waiting is a gift, a chance to catch up on some reading.

See, a choice. An attitude. A sharing of my yoke. No joke.

Dianne, the Energizer Mum, recharged.

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