Friday, October 26, 2012

Beware, the Yuccky Storm

While it may appear that I am dancing in the yard,
celebrating what may be the calm before "THE STORM",
I am not. 
I am playing volleyball with Ryan across the clothesline.
Even though you can't see him in this picture. 
A random afternoon, spur of the moment, hit the volleyball around kind of a moment. 

See, there he is.
Obviously, neither of us knows how to keep the ball up.

Now, truly in preparation for "THE STORM"
I thought I'd work outside for a little while today. 
Forget about shopping for batteries, flashlights, groceries, etc, cause I have plants to plant. 
You see, I have all these yucca plants someone gave me, 
like a month or so ago...
If I didn't plant some today, it wasn't going to happen. 
So I dug up a patch by the barn. 

This handsome rooster decided to help
by strutting about proudly,
shaking his head,
trying to look important. 
Honestly, he wasn't much help. 

But then this even more handsome gentleman came along.
He was very helpful.
Especially since I was trying to dig up a piece of the foundation. 
He said the barn wouldn't fall over if it was missing. 
Especially since it wasn't even attached. 

And then voila (I think that is an wonderful word):
Yucca Habitat

I think it looks Yuccky. 
Ha ha. 
Actually, I like it. 
If I didn't know better, I'd say it was April or May 
and Summer was just around the corner. 

Hey, I can dream, can't it? 
Besides, "THE STORM" of the century hasn't arrived yet. 
Maybe I should go check my flashlights now. 


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