Tuesday, February 10, 2015

On the Go

Second post of the day, which would be Day 7, Letter G.

Remember the kid's book "Go Dog Go"? Well, that is how life sometimes presents itself, as a series of stop and go, mostly go. Not that being busy is a bad thing, but neither sometimes is saying "No." When I feel like I am just on the edge of getting sick, or I have a headache that just won't take a break, when I cry over a television commercial or get angry over the most ridiculous things like the fact that my 11 year old is acting like an 11 year old and this was while he was actually folding his laundry and my grumbling reaction really made no sense, then it is time to put the brakes on and slow down.

Or better yet, how about if I come to a complete stop?

Not for a month, a week or even a few days, but how about even for just one day. Turn off the phones. Get disconnected from all the demands. Realize that sometimes the busyness, the going, going, going is because of choices I make and not because someone out there is making me.

And, I can make a choice to slow down. For a day. For even half a day. Catch up on some reading that is simply just for enjoyment and do it during the day when I am not in bed falling asleep. I used to be able to finish books and now I count it a victory to get to the end of a chapter. Or a page.

One reason I am challenging myself to write my way through the alphabet is because I enjoy writing and I seldom make it a priority. Usually, it comes after the work is done, it is evening and I go to bed. But then that crazy need for sleep arises and zzzzzzzzz..........

Go Dianne Go. I like being busy and boredom seldom happens and for that I am thankful. But, a little break with a cup of coffee, a softly lit room, a laptop and an inspiration to write, or read, or just close my eyes to think or pray, that my friend, is Glorious Gift. 

And just in case you need a few other G words to make you feel inspired, here are a few of my favorites from this past year:





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