Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Thoughts on Today and PB&J

Both alarms were going strong at 0715 this morning and all I wanted to do was hit snooze for an hour.  Then a chipper young lad comes and requests lunch money. For all of them. (Why is it that they never tell me until they are eating peanut butter and jelly as the school's only option?)

I growled a little and grumbled a little as I made my way down the staircase, eyes squinted against all the lights turned on because at our house, in the mornings, every single light is on. I really don't understand it at all. I get these notices in the mail that tell me my electricity use compared to our neighbors. We are always much higher. Do you think they realize how many of my neighbors are Amish? There may be a reason my usage is so much higher. Hmmmm...or it could just be all the lights are turned on.

Regardless, I was glad I was up, once I was up. Sometimes it's the getting there that is the hard part. Like going to work, or running errands; thinking about it and getting ready for it is just annoying and stressful, but once I am in the midst of it, I am okay.

But today? Today is different. Today is my day at home.
To catch up.
To wear comfy clothes all day.
To watch the Today show with a cup of coffee.
To have time to write my blog (ahhh, you have no idea how good that feels!)
To not have to go anywhere with a purpose in mind.
To play Christmas music all day.

Of course, I may go to the library later, just because I want to, not because I have to.

I need a day at home. Papers have piled up, laundry needs laundered, and I want to get the tree up. Finally. I think this is the latest that I have ever gotten around to doing it.

"Time is of the essence" has new meaning for me. When your time becomes less of your own, what is yours, becomes more valuable. Sometimes that means getting a ton of work done, but sometimes it means doing something that is enjoyable just for the sake of it and to maintain some sanity.

At least for me, that's the case. The sanity part. No kidding.

So, as I go turn off six lights downstairs, the coffee pot is gurgling out the last of its rich brew, and I am going to go enjoy a few sips as I plan my supper menu. Peanut Butter and Jelly anyone?


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