Thursday, December 6, 2012

Cheating The Times: A Math Story

The one time I can remember consciously cheating on a test was in the Second Grade. 
The Times Tables it was, and not even the hard ones, but the 0's and 1's. I just could not keep them straight in my head. I am pretty sure my intense dislike of math started in those moments. 

The day of the test was just like any other day. I headed to my classroom in the Annex B at Accident Elementary School, swinging my book satchel in one hand as I walked towards the orange colored building. I was thinking about playing with my friends at recess; maybe we would sit in the big tractor tires and talk or play dodge ball on the blacktop. Hopscotch or 4-square was always an option too, but then what about the merry-go-round? So many fun choices! This day, I had decided, would be the best ever.

Then the teacher, Ms. K announced that we would be having a little quiz later on the 0's and 1's times tables we had been focusing on. WHAT?!? Wait. A. Minute and back up the bus. No one said anything about a quiz in my lovely plans for the day. 

I began to feel a trickle of fear creep into my tummy. 
My hands felt sweaty.
My mouth got dry.
I wanted to cry. 

Instead, I pulled out a sheet of paper to put my answers on. I had my #2 pencil poised to print. My teacher asked the first question, "0x1" and I completely panicked. Was the answer "1" or was it "0"? 
Wiping my palms on my skirt, I glanced down, and there inside my desk, just peeking out enough that I could see it, was my study guide with the math facts written on it. With answers. 

I looked furtively around me to make sure no one was watching, and then I slid the paper out completely onto my lap. Ms. K asked the next question and then the next. But, before the next one was asked, I felt a hand on my shoulder. It may as well have been the grim reaper because I felt like I had just died. My teacher silently took both my test and cheat sheet and I was left to sit there for the remainder of the test, my head down and cheeks burning with embarrassment and shame. 

After the test, she took me aside and we talked about learning, about the times tables, and about cheating. She told me she would be talking to my parents. If the grim reaper wasn't at my elbow earlier, he most certainly was now. My perfectly lovely day had just gone from bad to worse. 

The week passed very s.l.o.w.l.y. My parents were strangely silent regarding the topic. It was agony.

Monday morning arrived and once again I found myself headed towards Annex B. My book satchel hung motionless at my side. Even the thought of the merry-go-round did nothing to cheer me up. But then Ms. K pulled me aside and told me that I was going to get to take the test again. 

A second chance! The clouds parted and the warm sun shone down on me once again. Birds began to sing as butterflies danced around my shoulders. 

I missed 2 questions, but I passed. I don't think my parents ever knew a thing about the until I asked them about it years later. Me and my big mouth. I do know that because of the whole incident, I learned my times tables and I wasn't really tempted to cheat ever again. 

The End. 

xoxoxo (which looks a little like 0x0 but equals "hugs and kisses" instead of zero) 


  1. Love your blog! My hands got sweaty, my mouth was almost dry, though I didn't cry while reading this.

    You do an excellent job of transporting the reader to see and feel what you were feeling!


  2. Thank you :) I enjoy writing when I find the time, and there I times that I simply just have to make the time. Your encouragement makes me smile today.
