Wednesday, October 9, 2013

A Promise of "I Do"

A few years back I made a promise.
A promise that required having and holding, for better or for worse.

A promise that said, "I'll stand by you when times are good, when times are bad, whether you are healthy or ill."

A promise that said, "I do."
And today, I still do.

25 years ago, I became Dianne Lynette Maust. At 2:00pm, surrounded by family and friends, Leo and I held hands as we spoke our vows and as our fingers entwined so did our lives. I loved this man with my whole heart and today, I love him deeper and stronger than even that day.

Over the past 25 years, there have been "worse times" like having losing a child through miscarriage, seeing a mother lose her battle with cancer, farming lack-of-income, depression, struggling to stay afloat while juggling college, kids, work and family, and just the general "there-is-a-wall" between us. There have been times that we haven't communicated well, when the silence spoke all the wrong things and feeling were trampled. The "worse times" could have gotten the best of us, but we refused to let it.

Because we had said, "I do."

But, there have been the "better times" too. Like the births of Adrienne, Aaron, Amy, Heather, and Ryan. Definitely some of the best! Being able to live in the various places we have been, like Louisville, KY and our farm have been good too. Our first apartment will always hold a fond place in our hearts and it was there we truly learned that "home is where the heart is".

The "better times" for us have been born out of some of the "worse times". Farming is tough. When the bills are many and the dollars are few it makes you want to give up, but I wouldn't trade living here with my man as we raise our family for anything. We learned that "for richer or for poorer" really is a commitment. It's making a conscious decision to stay together, in spite of circumstances.

When I was at my worst with depression, Leo did not give up on me. When I wanted to leave because I thought my family would be happier without me, he refused to let go. He didn't force me to stay, but he tenderly held me and helped me take those first steps to get help. "In sickness and in health".

Because we had said, "We do."

Being married has been an adventure.
It's laughing at 2:45am because you understand each other's quirky sense of humor.
It's being random. At random times. For no reason.
It's being quiet together.
It's making enough coffee so there is some left for the person who likes to sleep in.
It's making plans to be together on a Wednesday, in the middle of a work week.

Today, we are off on an adventure, just the two of us.
We have a plan, but it's not set in stone.
Kinda like our life.
Committed to each other, because we said "I do" but open for whatever comes our way.

I'll let you know how it goes.


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