Thursday, May 30, 2013

I Have A Date

Not a raisin.
Not a fig.
A date.

A date.

In the garden.  The rest of the day. Me, the dirt, the seeds, the plants. It's a date.
I have waited for a sunny, barely a cloud in the blue sky, kind of a day. It's here. Today.
I have waited for a day that I don't have to work for anyone else. It's here. Today.
I have waited for a day. Just. Like. Today.

I feel like Eve. Except I plan to garden with my clothes on. But, it is warm out there today....

Just kidding. Kinda. No, really, I am kidding. Just call before you stop by, okay?

I have beet seeds, carrot seeds and radish seeds that I am going to sow in various unused corners of flower beds. I have some asparagus roots that are begging to go in the ground. I have a gazillion zinnia seeds to fling into the wind for a riotous rainbow later this summer. I have only a million gladiolus bulbs, which according to my Baby Book that my mother meticulously filled in, were my favorite flower as a preschool youngster. Oh, and a hummingbird seed packet that I bought off Ryan for a fundraiser, and sunflower seeds to toss by the barn (if the chickens aren't outside, beaks sharpened and ready. For me, not the seeds.). I have Marjoram and Rosemary (nice names for twins, don't you think?) to place in the herb garden (after I rid it of the most horrible prickly weed!) and Basil (which could work for a dog's name).

Oh, I had better get busy. The clock behind me, up above the kitchen sink, is counting off the seconds. Maybe if I tossed the batteries, the day would last longer?

Til tomorrow then, when I may have some pictures. Of my lovely, much anticipated date.


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