I worked the night before, came home and slept until 1:00pm and then I heard someone in the kitchen. My senses were immediately awake. I should be home...alone. I ventured into the kitchen after I heard the refrigerator open and close. I figured it had to be someone in the family. It was Leo, home using some vacation time to get farm things done.
But then, I hinted at planting beans.
That was all it took.

There wasn't. Too many very prickly weeds that Leo helped me remove before we meandered down to the old vegetable garden plot overlooking the pond. And you wonder why I love this man.
Last year, this garden was untouched and the strawberry plants from the two years ago were overrun with huge prickly weeds and every other variety of weed known to western Pennsylvania. We decided to get the skid loader out and dig up most of the plot, extending it out towards the pond. I would try to save some of the strawberry plants, replant them and start again. This (see over there-->) was what I was digging up, for endless hours it seemed. A few times I said, with a loud groan, "Is this worth it?!" Then I'd go take a break, get a drink and come back to it. Leo got the neighbor's tractor with a rototiller attachment and worked on the rest of it while I dug and replanted these hearty little strawberry plants.
And I got it done. The moon was up and I felt like Mother Bear (off of Little Bear), planting by the light of the moon. The bullfrogs came out in full force by then, filling the air with the sounds of chirps, croaks, and hefty garumph's. The little ones started out with a few peeps, then the youngsters let out a few twangy notes sounding a lot like rubber-band guitars. This was followed by the mature frogs with their rumbly bass notes, one leading out and the others harmonizing in a cacophony of sound.
(Don't mind the little hushed giggle of the Adrienne frog at about 22 sec!)
A Lovely Day. As I headed to bed, after a loooooong shower (when I garden, I may as well just roll in the dirt. I am filthier than even Ryan tonight!), I was weary, but in oh, such a good way. Gardening is good, so good, for the soul.
P.S. This was my view from the ground during one of my few many breaks.
I do love this man.
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