Not a raisin.
Not a fig.
A date.
A date.
In the garden. The rest of the day. Me, the dirt, the seeds, the plants. It's a date.
I have waited for a sunny, barely a cloud in the blue sky, kind of a day. It's here. Today.
I have waited for a day that I don't have to work for anyone else. It's here. Today.
I have waited for a day. Just. Like. Today.
I feel like Eve. Except I plan to garden with my clothes on. But, it is warm out there today....
Just kidding. Kinda. No, really, I am kidding. Just call before you stop by, okay?
I have beet seeds, carrot seeds and radish seeds that I am going to sow in various unused corners of flower beds. I have some asparagus roots that are begging to go in the ground. I have a gazillion zinnia seeds to fling into the wind for a riotous rainbow later this summer. I have only a million gladiolus bulbs, which according to my Baby Book that my mother meticulously filled in, were my favorite flower as a preschool youngster. Oh, and a hummingbird seed packet that I bought off Ryan for a fundraiser, and sunflower seeds to toss by the barn (if the chickens aren't outside, beaks sharpened and ready. For me, not the seeds.). I have Marjoram and Rosemary (nice names for twins, don't you think?) to place in the herb garden (after I rid it of the most horrible prickly weed!) and Basil (which could work for a dog's name).
Oh, I had better get busy. The clock behind me, up above the kitchen sink, is counting off the seconds. Maybe if I tossed the batteries, the day would last longer?
Til tomorrow then, when I may have some pictures. Of my lovely, much anticipated date.
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Monday, May 27, 2013
Memories & Memorial Day Celebrated
Sometimes it's just simple.
It's me that makes it complicated.
I like it simple.
...wildflowers by the side of the road...
...and one purple alium...
...and mossy rocks...
...and sautéed mushrooms, peppers, squash and onions...
...and a dress with ruffles that makes me feel young...
...and Sunday's spent with my family...
...and cousins...
...and silly boy faces...
...and hide-n-go-seek...
...and being greeted with a smile...
...and boys with treasures...
...and sun-dappled ferns...
...and then...
there's today.
Memorial Day.
Simple, in that today, we honor our soldiers,
past and present.
Thank you for what you have done,
what you stand for,
that you have been willing to die for our freedoms.
I salute you.
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Gardening & Bullfrogs...Blessings!
I tried staying up last night to write this, I really did. But the moment my weary body slid beneath the sheets, I was done for. Gardening will do that to a person.
I worked the night before, came home and slept until 1:00pm and then I heard someone in the kitchen. My senses were immediately awake. I should be home...alone. I ventured into the kitchen after I heard the refrigerator open and close. I figured it had to be someone in the family. It was Leo, home using some vacation time to get farm things done.
But then, I hinted at planting beans.
That was all it took.
Before I knew it, we were up in the herb garden, checking out if there was any space for beans.
There wasn't. Too many very prickly weeds that Leo helped me remove before we meandered down to the old vegetable garden plot overlooking the pond. And you wonder why I love this man.
Last year, this garden was untouched and the strawberry plants from the two years ago were overrun with huge prickly weeds and every other variety of weed known to western Pennsylvania. We decided to get the skid loader out and dig up most of the plot, extending it out towards the pond. I would try to save some of the strawberry plants, replant them and start again. This (see over there-->) was what I was digging up, for endless hours it seemed. A few times I said, with a loud groan, "Is this worth it?!" Then I'd go take a break, get a drink and come back to it. Leo got the neighbor's tractor with a rototiller attachment and worked on the rest of it while I dug and replanted these hearty little strawberry plants.
And I got it done. The moon was up and I felt like Mother Bear (off of Little Bear), planting by the light of the moon. The bullfrogs came out in full force by then, filling the air with the sounds of chirps, croaks, and hefty garumph's. The little ones started out with a few peeps, then the youngsters let out a few twangy notes sounding a lot like rubber-band guitars. This was followed by the mature frogs with their rumbly bass notes, one leading out and the others harmonizing in a cacophony of sound.
I worked the night before, came home and slept until 1:00pm and then I heard someone in the kitchen. My senses were immediately awake. I should be home...alone. I ventured into the kitchen after I heard the refrigerator open and close. I figured it had to be someone in the family. It was Leo, home using some vacation time to get farm things done.
But then, I hinted at planting beans.
That was all it took.

There wasn't. Too many very prickly weeds that Leo helped me remove before we meandered down to the old vegetable garden plot overlooking the pond. And you wonder why I love this man.
Last year, this garden was untouched and the strawberry plants from the two years ago were overrun with huge prickly weeds and every other variety of weed known to western Pennsylvania. We decided to get the skid loader out and dig up most of the plot, extending it out towards the pond. I would try to save some of the strawberry plants, replant them and start again. This (see over there-->) was what I was digging up, for endless hours it seemed. A few times I said, with a loud groan, "Is this worth it?!" Then I'd go take a break, get a drink and come back to it. Leo got the neighbor's tractor with a rototiller attachment and worked on the rest of it while I dug and replanted these hearty little strawberry plants.
And I got it done. The moon was up and I felt like Mother Bear (off of Little Bear), planting by the light of the moon. The bullfrogs came out in full force by then, filling the air with the sounds of chirps, croaks, and hefty garumph's. The little ones started out with a few peeps, then the youngsters let out a few twangy notes sounding a lot like rubber-band guitars. This was followed by the mature frogs with their rumbly bass notes, one leading out and the others harmonizing in a cacophony of sound.
(Don't mind the little hushed giggle of the Adrienne frog at about 22 sec!)
A Lovely Day. As I headed to bed, after a loooooong shower (when I garden, I may as well just roll in the dirt. I am filthier than even Ryan tonight!), I was weary, but in oh, such a good way. Gardening is good, so good, for the soul.
P.S. This was my view from the ground during one of my few many breaks.
I do love this man.
Monday, May 20, 2013
My Sweet Girl....Keep Dancing!
Another moment of happy tears and a heart swelling with pride for my child; yesterday was Heather's Studio 7 Dance Recital. "Dancing Through The Year" was the theme and Heather danced in March, October, and December. I had a hard time getting good pictures yesterday with my phone and I didn't want to spend any time looking at her dance through a lens. I wanted the real deal.
But this winter, Heather showed her stamina and patience by agreeing to go outside and take pictures after one of the prettier snowfalls. Although chilly, around 30 degrees, it was not terribly windy, and Heather without any hesitation said, "Sure, I'll go out there and freeze. Just for you. Cause I love you." Well, she didn't exactly say that, but her actions did.
We went out and I really thought she'd just keep her boots on, but she took them off, slipped on her ballet slippers and smiled.
Here is just a few of the pictures that day.
To say that I am proud is an understatement.
Watching her yesterday, performing on stage, brought joy to my heart.
She has always had a dancer's spirit. From taking ballet and tap at age 4, to learning how to incorporate worship into her movement as she got older, to fine-tuning certain techniques and learning new ones, I have watched her grow more beautiful.
And this one?
This one just makes me smile.
Fly, my Sweet Heather, Fly.
Sunday, May 19, 2013
A Letter to My Graduate
Feeling blessed. Very blessed.
I am sitting in my kitchen, listening to the quiet, consistent tick-tock of the clock. The house is quiet for now. I am tired, but a good tired. Today my firstborn graduated with an Associate of Science in Education (with a focus on Early Childhood) at Allegany College of MD. Am I proud? Very proud.
I remember telling her when she was in high school that I think she should consider a degree in teaching. She didn't think so. Too much time, too few jobs. Would it be worth it?
After one semester of classes, she declared her major. Yes, Early Childhood Education it would be. I was so happy for her as I saw the peace that came with this decision. This just fit her so well. When she was younger, she would sometimes read to Amy and Heather. But, not only would she read, she would come up with a lesson from the story along with a craft. "Teacher in the making" is what I'd say to myself.
Adrienne sometimes says that all of her siblings were blessed with a special talent (Aaron-piano and musical stuff; Amy-art of any kind; Heather-dancing; Ryan-well, okay, not anything real specific as of yet, although he loves to sing). She says she wasn't.
Whoa and back up the bus! No special talent? "Poppycock!" is what I say to that. This girl has an amazing talent when it comes to dealing with kids! She tells a story that, even without pictures, you could picture it in your head. She comes up with hands-on projects and games that get the point across. She is generous with kindness and compassion and kids love her. When she is given an assignment like, oh say, design a bulletin board, she comes up with something fun to look at, hands-on and educational, and interesting. I would've had to hire someone to come up with the same quality of work. For her, even though it doesn't always just happen easily, it just happens.
You could say I was proud. Just a little.
Okay, A LOT.
I know today felt like just a stepping stone to a "real" degree, and it some ways it was, but in other ways, not. You see, I have seen you stay up late, struggling with horrible math classes, or putting the finishing touches on a powerpoint presentation. I've seen you sad over a child who lost their mother, and I've seen you rejoice with a child who finally understood a concept. Any child will be blessed beyond measure to have you as their teacher.
So, onward and upward as you head for the next phase. The time is going to pass regardless as the tick-tocking clock keeps reminding me. You already know it's not an easy ride. You already know there will be potholes, flat tires, keys locked in the car, and empty gas tanks. But, put on your seatbelt and take that ride. You will cross the finish line.
I'll be waiting for you when you arrive. With cheesecake.
Dianne, the proud mama
I am sitting in my kitchen, listening to the quiet, consistent tick-tock of the clock. The house is quiet for now. I am tired, but a good tired. Today my firstborn graduated with an Associate of Science in Education (with a focus on Early Childhood) at Allegany College of MD. Am I proud? Very proud.
I remember telling her when she was in high school that I think she should consider a degree in teaching. She didn't think so. Too much time, too few jobs. Would it be worth it?
After one semester of classes, she declared her major. Yes, Early Childhood Education it would be. I was so happy for her as I saw the peace that came with this decision. This just fit her so well. When she was younger, she would sometimes read to Amy and Heather. But, not only would she read, she would come up with a lesson from the story along with a craft. "Teacher in the making" is what I'd say to myself.
Adrienne sometimes says that all of her siblings were blessed with a special talent (Aaron-piano and musical stuff; Amy-art of any kind; Heather-dancing; Ryan-well, okay, not anything real specific as of yet, although he loves to sing). She says she wasn't.
Whoa and back up the bus! No special talent? "Poppycock!" is what I say to that. This girl has an amazing talent when it comes to dealing with kids! She tells a story that, even without pictures, you could picture it in your head. She comes up with hands-on projects and games that get the point across. She is generous with kindness and compassion and kids love her. When she is given an assignment like, oh say, design a bulletin board, she comes up with something fun to look at, hands-on and educational, and interesting. I would've had to hire someone to come up with the same quality of work. For her, even though it doesn't always just happen easily, it just happens.
You could say I was proud. Just a little.
Okay, A LOT.
I know today felt like just a stepping stone to a "real" degree, and it some ways it was, but in other ways, not. You see, I have seen you stay up late, struggling with horrible math classes, or putting the finishing touches on a powerpoint presentation. I've seen you sad over a child who lost their mother, and I've seen you rejoice with a child who finally understood a concept. Any child will be blessed beyond measure to have you as their teacher.
So, onward and upward as you head for the next phase. The time is going to pass regardless as the tick-tocking clock keeps reminding me. You already know it's not an easy ride. You already know there will be potholes, flat tires, keys locked in the car, and empty gas tanks. But, put on your seatbelt and take that ride. You will cross the finish line.
I'll be waiting for you when you arrive. With cheesecake.
Dianne, the proud mama
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Melting the Frost
I woke up to a frosted world this morning,
Everything, edged in lacy white.
Wondering why this has to be so late in May...
It is a mystery to me.
A mystery, but nonetheless, it has happened.
I am always a little sad at what frost does to the brave tulips;
seeing them hang their heads as if they did something wrong.
But then, I am reminded that I am sometimes like that damaging frost.
I say things, edged in ice, intending to sting.
I turn a cold shoulder when I think I have been wronged.
I freeze the ones I love the most.
I make their heads go down, their eyes downcast.
Why? Why can't I just have a gentle spirit ALL the time?
But then something warm touches me.
In the darkest, coldest places of my heart, I feel a warm breath.
God is real to me. He knows my heart.
He created it.
He created me.
And He loves me.
In spite of the frost.
He melts the frostiness, and urges me to be gentle.
I see our furnace this morning,
showing me evidence of warmth.
The furnace is ugly, but what it produces is beautiful.
God does that with me.
He takes the ugliest bits and transforms them.
In my own strength...impossible.
In His...not.
A Gentle Spirit.
I can't help it; I think of our cows.
Big, soft brown eyes.
Mama's out tending their babies in the pasture.
Enjoying the frosty coolness of the morning as their cow breath curls out in wisps of steam.
They await the day, patient and peaceful.
I want to be a cow.
(Admit it, you do too.)
Today, I want my frosty edges to melt. I want to be aware of the still, small voice that keeps me on track, keeps me from words, that once spoken are like icicles, sharp and pointed, ready to hurt. The frost has served it's purpose for me, it's silent reminder to be gentle.
Job 37:10 By the breath of God, frost is given...
Maybe, for today, it was just for me.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Thursday Thoughts
Random Thursday Thoughts go something like this:
~That was the weirdest dream.
~Oh, look at the time.
~Aaahh, coffee, always time to stop at Pilot to fill up.
~Whoa, slow down, that's a police car.
~I love the old houses in this part of Allegany County.
~Someday, I AM stopping at that library.
~Oooohhh, an antique store; I'm stopping there too.
~Lost. Again. Stupid GPS.
~Okay, it was close, but why can't house numbers be posted REALLY BIG?
~Yes, yes, I know, I don't even have house numbers posted that are very visible.
~I am nervous about meeting new people.
~That was a really nice visit, and I love meeting new people.
~Mood swings much?
~Home again, home again, jiggity jig.
~Comfy clothes.
~Why is there a dog barking out by the barn?
~Why isn't Shakespeare attached to his collar?
~ACK! He's in the barn!
~No, he's out by the pond.
~He's lying still watching the herd and 35 cows, mama's and babies both, are watching him back.
~Please stay. Please stay. I don't want a stampede.
~Oh Shakespeare, you stink!!
~Bath-time. And stop looking at me like it's my fault.
~Okay, now I need a bath. And a nap. That was hard work. Whew.
~Oh sure, go roll in the mud.
~Here come the kids.
~Why do I have to be grouchy when they come home? And smell like wet, stinky dog?
~What do I make for supper?
~Thanks Heather for offering to make supper. Pizza it is.
~Okay, laundry started, dishes done and some clothes folded.
~It's amazing how an attitude can go from smelling like Shakespeare (rotten) to roses with a prayer.
~Thanks kids. I needed that. You really have no idea how I needed that.
~Leo is home soon. Smile. Smile. Smile. I love that man.
~5 hours left until 10 pm. Use it wisely.
And that's been my day. Pretty much. How was yours?
2 Corinthians 4:16-18 New International Version (NIV)
16 Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 17 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
~That was the weirdest dream.
~Oh, look at the time.
~Aaahh, coffee, always time to stop at Pilot to fill up.
~Whoa, slow down, that's a police car.
~I love the old houses in this part of Allegany County.
~Someday, I AM stopping at that library.
~Oooohhh, an antique store; I'm stopping there too.
~Lost. Again. Stupid GPS.
~Okay, it was close, but why can't house numbers be posted REALLY BIG?
~Yes, yes, I know, I don't even have house numbers posted that are very visible.
~I am nervous about meeting new people.
~That was a really nice visit, and I love meeting new people.
~Mood swings much?
~Home again, home again, jiggity jig.
~Comfy clothes.
~Why is there a dog barking out by the barn?
~Why isn't Shakespeare attached to his collar?
~ACK! He's in the barn!
~No, he's out by the pond.
~He's lying still watching the herd and 35 cows, mama's and babies both, are watching him back.
~Please stay. Please stay. I don't want a stampede.
~Oh Shakespeare, you stink!!
~Bath-time. And stop looking at me like it's my fault.
~Okay, now I need a bath. And a nap. That was hard work. Whew.
~Oh sure, go roll in the mud.
~Here come the kids.
~Why do I have to be grouchy when they come home? And smell like wet, stinky dog?
~What do I make for supper?
~Thanks Heather for offering to make supper. Pizza it is.
~Okay, laundry started, dishes done and some clothes folded.
~It's amazing how an attitude can go from smelling like Shakespeare (rotten) to roses with a prayer.
~Thanks kids. I needed that. You really have no idea how I needed that.
~Leo is home soon. Smile. Smile. Smile. I love that man.
~5 hours left until 10 pm. Use it wisely.
And that's been my day. Pretty much. How was yours?
2 Corinthians 4:16-18 New International Version (NIV)
16 Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 17 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
Monday, May 6, 2013
He Asked...She Said YES
Another page has turned. Another chapter is written. Another one is waiting to unfold.
Over the weekend, my son Aaron proposed to his lovely lady and she said, "Yes!"
Just writing this brings a surge of emotion, a shimmer of tears, a proud beating of my heart.
Dear Aaron,
You picked a winner!! I have enjoyed watching you over the last couple of years as you have truly courted this girl, treating her with honor, respect and dignity. You have dealt with a long-distance relationship well; thank goodness for Skype, Facebook, texting and good old snail mail. Watching you support her decisions with college, jobs and more but yet being able to voice your opinion when you disagreed, always as a gentleman, has made this Mama Bear proud. You have learned well from your dad who certainly knows how to treat a lady well. (I would know!) I love you!
Dear Lisa-Anna,
You picked a winner too! (I know I am his mother, and maybe a little biased here, but I stand by it 100%.) Over the last couple of years, I have watched a young lady blossom and bloom in so many ways. I am delighted to think of you as one of my daughters. You have made Aaron so happy, not just by saying "yes" this weekend, but by being his friend, his spiritual confidante, his encourager and by becoming the love of his life. Your laughter and sense of fun has added to our family and helps to lighten up his serious side. When you loved him on top of the Ferris Wheel after he got sick...well, that says a lot! You have been a part of our family ever since you captured Aaron's heart, and this proposal just makes it official. I love you!
To Aaron and LisaAnna,
FINALLY! Leo and I are blessed beyond blessed as we enter this next chapter in our book. We support you and are praying for you both. We are looking forward to one big Fat Italian/Ecuadorian/Mennonite Wedding!!
Over the weekend, my son Aaron proposed to his lovely lady and she said, "Yes!"
Just writing this brings a surge of emotion, a shimmer of tears, a proud beating of my heart.
Dear Aaron,
You picked a winner!! I have enjoyed watching you over the last couple of years as you have truly courted this girl, treating her with honor, respect and dignity. You have dealt with a long-distance relationship well; thank goodness for Skype, Facebook, texting and good old snail mail. Watching you support her decisions with college, jobs and more but yet being able to voice your opinion when you disagreed, always as a gentleman, has made this Mama Bear proud. You have learned well from your dad who certainly knows how to treat a lady well. (I would know!) I love you!
Dear Lisa-Anna,
You picked a winner too! (I know I am his mother, and maybe a little biased here, but I stand by it 100%.) Over the last couple of years, I have watched a young lady blossom and bloom in so many ways. I am delighted to think of you as one of my daughters. You have made Aaron so happy, not just by saying "yes" this weekend, but by being his friend, his spiritual confidante, his encourager and by becoming the love of his life. Your laughter and sense of fun has added to our family and helps to lighten up his serious side. When you loved him on top of the Ferris Wheel after he got sick...well, that says a lot! You have been a part of our family ever since you captured Aaron's heart, and this proposal just makes it official. I love you!
To Aaron and LisaAnna,
FINALLY! Leo and I are blessed beyond blessed as we enter this next chapter in our book. We support you and are praying for you both. We are looking forward to one big Fat Italian/Ecuadorian/Mennonite Wedding!!
Love, with all my heart,
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