Friday, August 2, 2024

It’s got me thinking…

From 2011…

…to 2024

 1 August 2024

I read recently that the trend of today is not to read the written word, but to watch videos, small clips, reels, stories…all the things that have made social media what it is today.  What is ironic is that I “read “that opinion. It got me thinking .

On that same day, I was asked a question about what I would be doing for an occupation if I wasn’t doing what I was currently? My initial thought, without much reflection, is that I would be an author. It got me thinking.

I mentioned to the person who asked me the occupation question that I had once written a blog, and I shared the link. It has been quite awhile since I have visited this site and I clicked on Dec 2, 2011 to see what my 41-year-old self had to say. And then I kept reading, seated in the very same spot where I had been that cold December day to write my first blog post. I looked different, my kitchen was different, and my household dynamic has changed from two parents and five children ranging an age from 8 to 20 all living under one roof, to an empty nest that is anything but empty.

Will anybody read my written words from 2011, or from 2024? Will it even matter someday? Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe I’ll never know, but I know that I enjoyed looking over and rereading from that time in my life, what I was living, thinking, feeling.  I am glad that I have a written word to remind me of where I’ve been, who I was, and how that has helped me to be who I am today. I am a little sad that I haven’t written anything since 2020 in this format. Maybe vintage dandelion is still a place to inspire me to inspire you. It’s got me thinking; I hope it gets you thinking too. 

Love, Dianne

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