Saturday, July 19, 2014

A Post Cove Valley Camp Conversation

Under the guise of writing the blog, I interviewed Ryan, the recent Cove Valley camper who is 10 years old and not forthcoming with a lot of information. I figured if I interviewed him, he'd open up a bit. You be the judge.

So Ryan, did you learn anything about God this week at camp?


Grace, Faith, Knowledge and Beauty.(This is said as he burrows into his sleeping bag where he is pretending to be a groundhog. I am not kidding.)

What does all this have to do with God? (I am talking to him while making grilled cheese sandwiches, one for me and one for the groundhog. I figure if I act distracted, he'll talk more.)

Well, there were characters there every day at lunchtime and they were Bert, Gert and Kurt. Bert was buff and he thought you got God's strength from being strong, lifting weights and stuff. Gert thought being beautiful and walking down the street a certain way would get her strength. Kurt thought being really smart was God's strength. 

And did that work for them? Is that where God's strength comes from? 
Ummmm, no. 

Where does it come from then? 
From having faith and being given grace. (Now the groundhog is eating his cheese sandwich inside the sleeping bag. I pity the next person to use it; talk about crumbs in the bed.)

What do you think faith is? 
Errrr, ummmm, believing in God?

What about grace?
A second chance.

I sense I am starting to lose him at this point as his answers become shorter and I have to ask a few times to get a response. Silly groundhog. 

You also did arts and crafts, games and swimming, right? What was the best part for you?
Swimming because it's fun and you can get away from the bugs. 

Did you like going to the Trading Post?

The mother sighs. And what was the best part about that?
I got a Cove Valley hat. It's green. 

Was the food good? The best meal?
It was all good. I liked the macaroni. 

What? No vegetables?
Yes. Carrots. 

So maybe that's why you have a cold now. Not enough vegetables at camp. You know, you could eat more broccoli.
Broccoli is my enemy.

Hey, how about your cabin? Top or bottom bunk? Did anyone snore?
Top. And yes. 

Anything else you want to say about camp?
Well, Kohen had a baby sister born while we were swimming and he got to go to the hospital to see her. That was cool.

And then my little groundhog camper Ryan scampered off to play and that was the end of the conversation. Probably a good thing because I was a little worried he'd ask about a baby sister for himself and that was a conversation I didn't really want to have. I think I'll go play groundhog now. 


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