Monday, March 24, 2014

The Fragrant Life

Last Thursday was the first day of Spring and one of my favorite aspects of the season is the scent. Fragrant with newly blossomed bouquets of hyacinth and lilac and freshly turned-over soil, it invites even the most indoorsy recluse to step outside and inhale deeply. Even the winds that ruffle the bare treetops delight the senses, inspiring a longing for more. 

Then my thoughts turn to a different kind of fragrance. Think "corned beef and cabbage with a whole lot of mustard". Then take yourself beyond the meal to the next day. What smelled mouth-watering and tasted delicious was nice going in, but let's just say that among the foods listed as "gas producing", these should rank in the top ten. 

Amy and I had an orthodontist consultation in Monroeville this fateful "morning after the corned beef dinner". Silent but deadly comes to mind. At the office I asked (trying not to appear desperate) where the restroom was. To this, the oh-so-helpful receptionist replied, "Oh, just use this one right through here." I went through the door and right there, directly beside her desk and in the hub of the office was a tiny room with the label "Conference Room".  Oh boy. 

I simply couldn't do it. And if we weren't already having problems with the insurance company covering this visit before, we certainly would now. If I could've done it. But I couldn't. 

Then there is the concept of applied fragrance aka perfume or body spray. Of this variety, I don't often wear. I own exactly 3 bottles of perfume. Lady Stetson, Lahana, and Aviance Night Musk. I wonder if perfumes have an expiration date? I wore the Aviance at our wedding and for a long time, our luggage had a hint of it every time a suitcase was opened. I liked it then and the smell brings with it some very good memories. But to wear it now? On a regular basis? It's just too much. Too heavy or something. Even if I just spray it and walk into the mist, it's just a little too much and honestly, it reminds me a little bit of an "older woman" fragrance. Older but wiser I am sure. Just not me anymore.  

Fragrance #1 Spring…..aaahhhhh.
Fragrance #2 The next day….ewwwww.
Fragrance #3 The perfume that used to be me….mmmmmm…..ah…ah…ah-choo!!!!

Which brings me to this thought:

"Thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads in every place the fragrance that comes from knowing Him." 2 Corinthians 2:14 NRSV

In a crazy world, a busy life, when all feels a little like I am spinning out of control, what fragrance am I? Am I one that leaves my family running for cover? Or my coworkers needing an antihistamine? I think I am these sometimes, when I say yell words in anger,  join in the negative talk, or even gossip because I think it makes me somehow look better. Really, it just makes me stink. 

My prayer this week, this day, and for always is that I am fragrant with the fragrance that comes from knowing Him. 


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