Monday, November 18, 2013

339 Boxes

Operation Christmas Child

1 Friend with a passion for ministry
More friends who caught the vision
140 miles in our car to get to her church 
An afternoon spent packing shoeboxes for kids to be sent all over the world.
(Make that over 100 million sent since 1993!)

Oh did I forget to add in 400 miscellaneous stuffed buddies?

And did I also forgot to add in:
Piles of pencils,
cartloads of crayons,
totes of toothbrushes,
sacks of soap,
crocks of candy,
and tubs of toys?

We were ready.
The boxes and the children who would receive them were prayed for.
It was 3:00pm.
Let the packing begin!

It was fun deciding "boy or girl" and what age group. 
Ryan wouldn't tell me after the first few boxes that he did because:
1.) He didn't want supervised so closely by mom.
2.) He thought I was trying to copy him. 
3.) I think Leo and him were racing and I was slowing him down. 

I think he had fun. 
He even wrote a note for each box that he did. 

Well, he had fun after I put my phone back in my pocket.
(Said in a long drawn out way that makes "mom" have 3 or more syllables.)
"Stop it."
Yep, I think he means business. 
He is serious about this shoebox packing business. 
He's right. 

At 5:00pm, we were done.
There, packed in Good Samaritan boxes, ready to roll out the door
were 339 shoeboxes. 

Maybe not 100 million, but 339 more than yesterday. 



  1. Thank you for documenting a little of our day...something I never get to do.

  2. Finally saw your comment! :) It was a good day, a very good day. Thank you. ~Dianne
