Thursday, October 31, 2013

Just Horsing Around

"Hey Hon, do you think you could help me later?" 

"With what?" 

"Oh, you know, just catching Nora and Sadie and bringing them down to our barn."

An hour or so later, we set off in the drizzle to round up this Mama Horse and her grown offspring.
 It's one thing to catch an old, tired horse.
It's quite another to catch not just one, but two, that have some spunk and spirit. 

Leo climbed over the gate first. 
Very nicely I might add. 
I didn't get a picture though;
I was too distracted. 

Then to be fair, he said he must take a picture of me doing the same thing.

He was much more graceful. 

Shucks, even an alligator would've scaled this more gracefully. 
(Actually, imagine that…it's quite funny.)
So, after climbing over the fence, I thought the hard part was over. 
The horses would come along without resistance and that would be that. 
So far, so good. 

Our two separated themselves from the others. 
In the wrong direction. 
It's like they knew. 

Nora, the "baby" was the first one to get a rope halter on, lured in by a bucket of grain. 
Not me buddy; lure me in with some freshly baked scones and a cup of coffee. 

(Check out the fence…this is the handiwork of horses when they want to scratch their, um, backsides.)

Maybe plain oats is why Sadie was so resistant. 
She wanted gourmet oats. 
Sprinkled with cinnamon. 

She finally turned around and headed in the desired direction.
I'd like to think it was my horse charming ways,
but I think she was trying to get away so I'd stop talking. 

Once in the pen, it was time for halters before we journeyed with them down the lane...

…to our barn; their new humble abode. 

Halters are on. 
They only got away from me once when I held them both while Leo grabbed something from the stable. I tried to be a valiant cowgirl. Let's just say, that didn't work out so well. 

Leo led Nora (the friskier of the two) and I took Sadie. 
There was a lot of neighing going on between her and Caruso who was apparently a good friend. 
(I personally think he wanted to be more than "just friends.")
This is her having a moment of stubbornness. 
She paused. I waited. It was all good. 

In the end, both horses came pretty nicely down the lane and after some hesitation, 
went into the barn without a lot of fuss and bother. 
I may just need to buy me some cowboy boots after this. 


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