November is notorious for thankfulness and I could write about something I am thankful for each day. Or I could post some delicious holiday meal ideas to remind us that this is the season of weight gain. I could even enthrall you with my creativeness as I handcraft all manner of gifts for Christmas.
Actually, it may be more like this:
~I am thankful and I have been blessed so that may show up along the way, but I hope that is not just a November thing.
~Delicious holiday recipes? Hahahahahahahaha. I like looking at pictures of deliciously juicy turkeys displayed on platters with the right kinds of garnishes in all the right places. (Does that count?) I like thinking about making this year "the year" I actually am organized enough to make all those delicious, yet deceivingly nutritious meals with savory sauces, braided breads and 8 different kinds of pumpkin desserts involving cream cheese, caramel and pecans. I think but I don't really ever do. I usually keep to my basic recipes, tried and true, and maybe I'll share one or two with you.
~Homemade crafts for Christmas? Truly, if this was the plan, I should've started December 26, 2013. I have a scarf I started crocheting for Aaron in camouflage yarn from 7 years ago, give or take a few years. No kidding. Or I could mention the baby blanket I embroidered for Ryan that I started 11 years ago and never finished. Then there's the Nine-Patch quilt in all manner of mauve and country blue that was supposed to be Adrienne's and got as far as being a quilt top but no backing. That project is only 20 years behind schedule. Crafts for Christmas? Maybe. Maybe not.
So, it's November. Day 4. I can't go back and change Day 1, 2 or 3, but today is being lived, one moment at a time. I can choose to make the most of it. I can choose thankfulness. So, at the risk of being totally predictable, I am going to make today a little bit of a "thankful" post.

November. It is a month of looking forward, looking ahead, at least it is for me, as I look forward to the upcoming holidays. But this year, I am going to focus on each day; at least I am going to try. Writing keeps me accountable in a way. Instead of getting crazy about what is coming up, I am going to choose, to try to live in the moment. I could focus on regrets, like wishing I'd written on November 1, 2, and 3, or wishing I had not done something, changed this or redone that, etc, etc, but I'm not. Instead, I am going to live for today, look for the positive, make the best of the negative.
Like I said earlier, "here goes...."
And here's a challenge. Leave me a note, a message, a post, a response, and tell me in a word (or words) what today means to you. Here's my word(s): Focus on Living instead of regret.
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