Wednesday, February 27, 2013

A Mac 'n Cheese Inspired Garden

I remember when boxed macaroni and cheese became a part of our family mealtime. My sister, Roxie, became the mac 'n cheese queen, making it with sloppy joe sandwiches every time she cooked.  Like every single Saturday that my mom was working, and one or two other random days in the week. We were glad she cooked, but we were all getting tired of the boxed macaroni and cheese, with green peas mixed into it, and sloppy joes. 

I was kinda glad when I got married at 18 and I didn't have to eat it anymore. 

Sad, but true. Sorry Roxie. 

Tonight we made Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. No added peas, but we did have a vegetable blend. No sloppy joe, but we did make fish. Sometimes a good ol' bowl of Mac 'n Cheese hits the spot. 

I know, I know, it's processed like crazy. It's not good for you. Healthy was not in the ingredient list, but for tonight, I enjoyed threading the little macaroni's onto my fork and eating them. 

Tomorrow I'll eat healthy, unprocessed food as I look through online seed catalogs and plan my garden for this year. I like to cook healthy for myself and my family, but it isn't always easy. Processed is so, well available. And easy. But....

There's always a "but" isn't there?

But, despite the mac 'n cheese of tonight, I have a goal. It's been a couple of years, actually it's been many years since I had a proper vegetable garden, but this year, I'm going to try. I'm actually excited about it. 

Except for the weeds, the groundhogs and the rabbits that is. 

But tomorrow, when I am eating salad from Food Lion purchased vegetables, I will think about my own VintageDandelion homegrown goodness and in spite of the snow and ice, I will be planning and scheming and dreaming. 

Cause, even though I don't like groundhogs, rumor has it that the proclamation of "Spring is just around the corner" was pronounced and I better get ready. 


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