Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Kentucky Vacation Ch.6: Freezing in the Fairy Dust

Kentucky Vacation Chapter 6: Freezing in the Fairy Dust 

 After the hike to Suzanna Arch, and arriving back at the cabin, we all called dibs on the shower. Only one bathroom and 10 of us feels a lot like home and although familiar, doesn't make getting ready to go anywhere any easier. We rather ignored the evening meal in favor of getting dressed and really, I don't know if any of us were truly hungry at that point. I was glad we packed enough snack kind of foods and hoped everyone would just grab what they wanted.

All to soon, it was time to head out and with the GPS programmed, we headed east to Prestonsburg KY and the Jenny Wiley Theatre (http://www.jwtheatre.com). Weeks ago, when we were planning "what to do in Kentucky", we decided on seeing a play (if we could) instead of heading to either Kentucky Kingdom or Busch Gardens as they were to far out of our way for this trip. Sometimes the internet is great as it led me to this small outdoor ampitheater celebrating 50 years of productions. For our weekend getaway, I chose Peter Pan for our family to go see.                              

After getting just a little lost (like "second to the right and straight on til morning" lost) we found the amphitheater tucked away in a wooded location. In case of rain, there was a place to hold the event indoors, but tonight the stars were shining bright and the full moon from Friday the 13th was still evident. Bright and clear. Perfect.

Except it was not typical, in my mind anyhow, of Kentucky evening temperatures. I did not pack any jeans for this trip, thinking I'd safe space and besides, I wouldn't need them. Kentucky is hot.

The night of Peter Pan however, was not hot. It was rather chilly. Like, in the upper 50's chilly. That'll teach me to pack light.

In spite of the chillier than desired temperature, we had the best time. Heather finally was feeling better and I was glad she was able to tolerate the winding roads to get to Prestonsburg, about an hour's drive away. I kept a close eye on her though and when I started to see some smiles, I felt better too.

 I can't say that the lights ever really dimmed before the curtains went up and the play began because, well. we were outdoors. The lights dimmed only as the sun began to set, but the curtains did go up right on time and we were drawn into the familiar story of Peter Pan.

We laughed, we clapped, we all thoroughly enjoyed it, even my parents who I wasn't quite sure if they would actually like it. From the odd phrasing that was hilariously funny, like using the phrase "split infinitives!" as a kind of expletive, or lumping together "obesity and bunion" for another term of frustration (Captain Hook was full of them) to the frolicking Lost Boys, all was in good fun. Some of us enjoyed checking out the set and looking for those little mistakes that we all know happen, like when a prop is in the wrong place, a piece gets stuck somewhere, or like when Captain Hooks' wig was falling off and he pretended like something was stuck in it and had Mr. Smee fix it. Like I said, we all enjoyed this bit of family friendly entertainment that was reasonably priced and a great bit of fun. (I liked that part myself!)

After the play, we all trundled off to the white van where we turned west once again. Getting home late, too late for a proper supper, we all munched a little on snacks then turned into bed. After all, we still had Sunday to properly enjoy and we meant to do just that!

What I'd like to remember:
1. A theatre production is fun to go to and a great way to make a memory.
2. I'll never watch Peter Pan in quite the same way ever again.
3. When someone is sick, once they are better it's amazing how everyone around them feels better too.
4. Snacks are okay, but next time, plan meals better. Just because I am not hungry doesn't mean all the younger generation who can eat hourly isn't.
5. Always, always, always pack at least one pair of jeans when going away. Even if it is to the hottest place you can think of, pack pants.

To be continued….Sunday is yet to be blogged.
(You never knew I could make this short weekend turn into a series did you?


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