Monday, May 6, 2013

He Asked...She Said YES

Another page has turned. Another chapter is written. Another one is waiting to unfold.
Over the weekend, my son Aaron proposed to his lovely lady and she said, "Yes!"
Just writing this brings a surge of emotion, a shimmer of tears, a proud beating of my heart.

Dear Aaron,
You picked a winner!! I have enjoyed watching you over the last couple of years as you have truly courted this girl, treating her with honor, respect and dignity. You have dealt with a long-distance relationship well; thank goodness for Skype, Facebook, texting and good old snail mail. Watching you support her decisions with college, jobs and more but yet being able to voice your opinion when you disagreed, always as a gentleman, has made this Mama Bear proud. You have learned well from your dad who certainly knows how to treat a lady well. (I would know!) I love you!

Dear Lisa-Anna,
You picked a winner too! (I know I am his mother, and maybe a little biased here, but I stand by it 100%.) Over the last couple of years, I have watched a young lady blossom and bloom in so many ways. I  am delighted to think of you as one of my daughters. You have made Aaron so happy, not just by saying "yes" this weekend, but by being his friend, his spiritual confidante, his encourager and by becoming the love of his life. Your laughter and sense of fun has added to our family and helps to lighten up his serious side. When you loved him on top of the Ferris Wheel after he got sick...well, that says a lot! You have been a part of our family ever since you captured Aaron's heart, and this proposal just makes it official. I love you!

To Aaron and LisaAnna,
FINALLY! Leo and I are blessed beyond blessed as we enter this next chapter in our book. We support you and are praying for you both. We are looking forward to one big Fat Italian/Ecuadorian/Mennonite Wedding!!

Love, with all my heart,

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