Thursday, June 14, 2012

Short and Sweet

I need a haircut.

Just one sentence and I am filled with indecisivness. How should I cut it? Keep it longer? Go short? Bangs or no bangs? Should I even get it cut at all?

I leave in 35 minutes for my appointment. Decisions, decisions.
What if I hate it? What if it makes me look weird?

Oh, that's what hats are for, right?

I know, it's just hair and it will grow again (hopefully), but for so many people, myself included, our hair is part of our identity. I think about cancer patients who lose their hair and what that means to them. Or other people who are on different medications with the same side effect. While I worry about a haircut, they are worrying about losing all their hair.

Kinda puts it into perspective doesn't it?

While I still don't know what I want exactly with my frizzy head of hair, I am thankful I have options. And it will grow again.

I'll let you know how it goes. Short and sweet? We'll see.


P.S. So, it ended up being a trim, so a little shorter and she redid my bangs which were pretty much grown out. Maybe, just maybe, next time I'll be daring.

1 comment:

  1. You didn't add any of the pictures that i took! oh well i guess.:)
