Wednesday, June 6, 2012

An Adventure Awaits

After we straighten up the house and pick strawberries, Ryan, Amy, Heather and I are off on an adventure. We are prepared for anything, whether it is The Great Depression, hobbits, elves and dragons, the mysteries of Alzheimer's, traveling in time, or the next great art project.

We, my dear friends, are heading for the library.

When my sisters and I were young, we would frequent the Accident Branch of the Ruth Enlow Library. Set on a side street in Accident, MD, it was a place that we loved to visit. All of us liked to read, especially in the summer. There was always a summer reading program and we eagerly participated. I don't think we ever left there without at least a few stacks of books. Each.

The Boxcar Children,
Stuart Little and Charlotte's Web;
Trixie Belden books and Nancy Drew,
Any new mystery or a series set in history.
They all came home with us and as we read, we were taken to places far removed from our house on Cove Road.

Today, we are going to get Ryan a library card. He is so excited and so am I. He didn't always like to read, but thanks to some really great teachers, he has learned to love it. I may need another library card too; I seem to have lost mine. Again. I shouldn't even need a card, really, since I have paid enough in overdue fines to add a new wing to the library. . .

I know that many people like their Kindle's, Nook's, iBook's, and Sony Reader's, but I haven't converted yet. I would feel like I was betraying old friends. I like how it feels to turn a page. I like the smell of books (old and new). I like seeing stacks of books on a shelf or in a pile by my side of the bed.

I could sleep there:

 I love books and all the variety. I like being taken somewhere that I may never go otherwise. I like learning about new ideas or old concepts not yet grasped.

A world without books would be a sad world indeed.

And I would be a sad Dianne.

But not today, for it is off to the library we go!


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