Not that it was a bad day, it was just a day.
Let's see.
I got off work, slept about an hour, ran a few errands, then got home. I did a few work-related phone calls, worked on my schedule and to-do lists for the next two weeks, straightened up the house and put a load of laundry in.
Walking up to get Ryan off the bus, I thought about the cupcakes I needed to make yet today so he'd have them for school tomorrow. Maybe I'd get them done before leaving for the girl's volleyball game.
I didn't.

So home again, home again jiggity-jig. I still had cupcakes to bake.
I started. I had ingredients in the bowl by 10pm. Then the phone rang. Nora, the girl's horse, was frisking about, on the wrong side of the fence.
Cupcakes on hold, we drove off gallantly to put things right.
"Mom, just leave the car lights on. So we can see."
(Uh-huh. Remember that part.)
The lovely Nora was enjoying the grass, which actually was greener on the this side of the fence.
Go figure.
"You want me to go where? Now? Why? I like it out here."
If I was Nora, I'd be thinking this:
"If I stay on this side of the gate, these girls pick the fresh grass and feed it to me. Go back? Nah!"

In the end, she did go back, quite nicely.
My girls, horse whisperers.
(Ignore the creepy horse eye.)
Okay, that's done. We are all freezing now and head back to the car.
We need gloves.
We need another jacket.
We need jumper cables.
No kidding.
My car battery is dead and no one is around to give us a jump. We could hitch the frisky horse to the car and tow it home…
We called Adrienne instead. Between the two of us, we got the cables attached correctly, no one got shocked and my car started. She's quite a gal! A flashlight would have been helpful, but right when we needed a light, my cell phone battery died. The way this was going, let's just say I was thankful I didn't have a pacemaker battery to worry about.
Home again, home again jiggly-jig. Same song, second verse.
By now, it's after midnight. My night shift brain has forgotten that I haven't slept more than an hour since Sunday morning and I still have cupcakes to finish. The kids went to bed, I baked.
Gingerbread cupcakes.
Suffice it to say that yesterday was a day.
What's today got that can beat that?
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