Aaron & Lisa-Anna. We planned, we schemed, we delegated and it all came together. A very good day indeed.

Natalie, the maid-of-honor and Lisa-Anna's younger sister, cut out some silhouettes and I then glued them to old pages from a book, folded hymnal pages and added lace to come up with a banner.
Some miniature roses were stripped of their lime green paper wrappings and dressed up in burlap and lace. What is it about burlap and lace that is so adorable?
Adrienne, Adrienne, Adrienne, will you never learn?
As we gathered bottle to use as vases, we were putting them into boxes for easy transport to the church for the shower. I looked up at her and she had this odd look on her face. The look, that at first I thought was saying " I think the bottles would look silly and I don't want to tell Mom."
But then I noticed the bottle.
With her finger in it.
Stuck. Quite stuck.
Adrienne, Adrienne, Adrienne.
The planning, the scheming, the delegating all done, we arrived at the church and got ready for our Vintage Tea Party a'la Lisa-Anna Style.
The Menu
Pigs in a Blanket (lower Somerset County style)
Little Sausages wrapped in Bacon
Fresh Fruit Salad
Cucumber Sandwiches
Ham Salad Sandwiches
Scones with clotted cream and jam
Chai Latte Cupcakes
Freshly Brewed Ice Tea
Lime Sherbet Punch
Telling favorite memories or moments with Lisa-Anna, hearing her responses to questions also asked of Aaron, visiting with family and friends, and sharing in her joy as she opened the gifts that will help them get started on a home of their own, all made for a lovely afternoon.
A big thank you to all who helped! Next stop…Wedding Day.
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