And last night….and tonight….THEY WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not that I am excited or anything.
I know "it's not about winning; it's how you play that matters." But, when winning is the added benefit of a game well played, it does feel good; I won't deny it. So good, in fact, that I ran out after the game to get pizza. I know my girls; they'd be hungry.
But the Salisbury pizza place was closed. At 8:30pm on a Wednesday? What!?
I went to Meyersdale; I needed to fill up my car anyhow. You know, that living on the edge, having it on the "E" thing I do? I work in the morning. I thought I'd be safer doing it tonight so I wouldn't forget in the morning. Besides, my girls needed pizza. Because they WON!!!!!!!!!!!
I stood in line, waiting. Everybody else in town must've had the same idea I did. So, I waited and I watched. I saw people come in, a few dressed in PJ's (a trend which I will never quite grasp), one lady in scrubs, a few other volleyball players, and more just like me in their Wednesday best casual dress.
I wondered if anyone could tell that I was nearly busting with pride at how my girls played. Both of my girls, even though one was on the JV team that lost and one was on the Varsity team that won. Both played hard and both kept a good attitude throughout their games. Yes, I am a proud mama.
Tonight could be the last game they win this season, or they could win the next five, but no matter what, I'll be proud. Through the game they have learned about holding their heads up even when it hurts, to be big enough to say, "Good game" to the other team even when they aren't feeling it, to keep trying even when they want to quit. They have learned true sportsmanship and camaraderie with their teammates. Yes, I am a proud mama.

Go Lady Elks! You Got This!
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