Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Just Call Me "Calf Whisperer"

I get up and get ready to take Heather and Ryan to go babysit.
We head out the driveway.
We meet up with one little red calf out of the pasture.
My little red car herds her back through the fence.
The fence gives a little jolt but she doesn't seem to mind much. 

I am headed back down the driveway on my way home.
I am met by, not one, but six young calves.
Seeking Merriment.
They were not seeking me, who was feeling anything but merry.

I lurch to a stop.
I try to head them off before they charge towards the neighbors.
I was not successful.

I ducked between the rows of hay bales in hopes of diverting a disaster.
It worked. Kinda.
The six adventurers took off between the machine shed and corn crib and I followed.
I did not look dignified.

One calf headed back towards the escape route.
She went back to her mama like a good calf.
The other five went up against the barn.
They tried to look innocent.
They did not succeed. 

"What?! Me? No! It was the little red one's fault." 

I went to the house for my other camera.
"Why not?", I thought. 
I may as well have some fun if I am to be out here running about.

Oh good, they are still there.
One is missing. 
The little red one.
Of course. 

There she goes!
Down around the barn and to the silo...

...to the wildflowers.
Like that makes her look any less guilty.

The little red one is back with her cohorts in crime.
I have the fence open so they won't get shocked. 
Only one went through.
Good baby.

"You want us to go through there?" 

Let's run back across the yard,
through the red beets barely sprouted,
and around the lilacs,
 between the blueberry bushes.
I really think they find it amusing to see me run. 

The three yard crashers went through the fence behind Shakespeare.
(Yes, Shakespeare, this would be a good time to herd the cattle.)
That leaves just two more on the lam. 

Peek-a-boo in the mulch.
I am not playing this game. 

Okay, I played for five minutes. 
But then, first one, then the other ducked back under the fence.
The little red one was the last to go. 
Of course. 
They went skipping across the pasture,
back to their mama's and their not-so-bold friends.

All's well that ends well.
Until they get out again.
And they will, believe me, they will. 


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